National Open Mosque Day

Did anyone take the opportunity to visit their local mosque today?  I couldn't, unfortunatly, because, we don't have one yet in Bunbury, but I'd love to hear from anyone who did go along for a look.

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Re: National Open Mosque Day

I wonder if whoever it was the other day asking "genuine" questions about Islam went?  

Message 11 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day

Community Member

Don't know but why would you bother with an ideology that treats women as third class or lower. 

Message 12 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day

@djlukjilly wrote:

We are all aware why this thread was put up. As for the latest insult to our country, Muslim leader saying singing the nation anthem is forced assimilation.

yeah, its a shame..these conferences

are causing divisions.


but, a lot of ppl go to them.


Islam is not up for negotiation or reform. Islam is what it is


Less than 24 hours after Australians across the country kicked off their shoes to enter the nation's mosques for a National Day of Unity, Muslims in Sydney were calling for a different kind of solidarity – against a demonising state and its agents.





Controversial Muslim group Hizb ut-Tahrir hosted a sellout event in Bankstown on Sunday attended by over five hundred members of the Muslim community.


Deradicalisation has come to mean making Muslims less Islamic, more Western, more secular, more submissive to secular, Liberal political ... norms," HuT spokesman Uthman Badar said.

"The insistence of senior government ministers that Muslim children sing the national anthem – an anthem that reflects a particular disputed view of history and celebrates particular ideological values ... Why should they be forced to sing it?"

Inside a glossy, 36-page booklet, distributed at the forum, one section tutored the community on how to respond when ASIO comes knocking.


Titled Don't be Spooked: How to Deal with Spies, it cautions against befriending people with unexplained pasts.


"They appear out of the abyss, with pasts that either cannot be explained or do not make sense," the article reads. "Keep your guard up in such cases."


It also warns against interacting with unknown people online - these, too, could be spooks.


brisbane times

Message 13 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day

Yep, the religion of peace doing its work

Message 14 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day

Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar told the conference the Australian government “claims to afford freedom, but seeks to impose values and beliefs” on Muslims.


Muslims were expected to not just be gracious about Australian values, but publicly promote them, Mr Badar said.

This imposition of secular western values was reflected in the oath when taking out citizenship, Mr Badar said, with new citizens required to pledge allegiance to Australia “whose democratic beliefs I share”.


“It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values,” Mr Badar told the conference.

Similarly, Mr Badar said, schoolchildren were required to sing the national anthem, which he said, “reflects a disputed view of history”.

“If you don’t share those values, why should they be forced to sing it?” Mr Badar said.


Mr Badar said the campaign by government and agencies against radicalisation was actually a smokescreen to “make Muslims less Islamic”.


“It is nothing less than forced assimilation ... sought to be justified by exaggerated fear of a security threat,” he said.

Government efforts to promote what it bills as a moderate form of Islam might on occasion “buy out some Imam”, Mr Badar said, but overall, “the attempt to reform Islam is doomed to failure.”







australian law applies to everyone

who lives here so i dont understand

what he is getting at.  does he believe

muslims should be exempt?

Message 15 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day


@djlukjilly wrote:

I am not religious so I wouldn't visit a mosque.

..well I'm not chinese, but I frequent chinese restraunts often!


One does not have to be religious to go into or attend or visit or even just take a look at, a religoius venue or event.

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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 16 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day

@djlukjilly wrote:

I am not religious so I wouldn't visit a mosque.

Do you refuse to go to church weddings on the same basis?

Message 17 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day

Community Member

This is worth a read and a listen to the video.


It's on an ABC website, so a safe link.


"Muslims around the world have been called on to rise to the challenge of religious reform in a debate between a prominent atheist and a Muslim activist.


Sam Harris, an atheist, author and neuroscientist, and Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist member of Hizb-ut-Tahrir who went on to found anti-extremist think-tank The Quilliam Foundation, have come together to write a book, Islam and the Future of Tolerance: a Dialogue.

In a discussion on Lateline, they confronted what they said was Islam's failure to modernise and they challenged liberal left thinkers who they accused of defending extremism in the name of cultural tolerance.",-maajid-nawaz-discuss-the-future-of-islam/6892166




(pay particular atention to the "Voldemort effect")

Message 18 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day

well I'm not chinese, but I frequent chinese restraunts often!


you're confusing culture with

religion, forgetting that more and

more australians are becoming



Message 19 of 41
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Re: National Open Mosque Day

@lurker172602 wrote:

@djlukjilly wrote:

I am not religious so I wouldn't visit a mosque.

Do you refuse to go to church weddings on the same basis?

i know a lot of ppl who choose

to miss the religious ceremony and

attend reception only (myself included)


during the mosque open day, ppl

were invited to attend the midday



cant imagine many atheists going

to mass, can you?  lol


can't believe ppl have a problem with

someone not wanting to go to a place

of warship Woman Surprised

Message 20 of 41
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