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I've never been one to be in my neighbours pocket although I know the value of good neighbours.  Living in my last house for over 20 years we had some great neighbours and some that didn't speak to us at all, not even the nod of a head.  That was okay, we didn't socialise with our neighbours.  However just recently moved to a new area and our neighbours keep to themselves, although today we were accused of throwing a dead rabbit into their back yard!!!!  This horrified me, for one I am an animal lover and secondly I would never do such an abhorrant thing.  He insisted as said there is no other way it could have got OH was gobsmacked....he went on to say that we had a few people over that weekend and one of them must have done it!!! OH gave him a piece of his mind so that's the end of speaking with them!!!!    We have never had trouble with them before however we had noticed they sort of stopped acknowledging us over the past 6 months...nothing happened, no inciddent...and then this....the mind boggles!


Are you a neighbourly person?  Is it important to you?  Would you have taken offence to this accusation?

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I would have been mortified if my neighbours accused us of the same, or similar thing.

It's enough to never to speak to them ever again.

Thankfully, we have one set of neighbours who are animal lovers (they have 2 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats). Never had a problem with them. We aren't overly neighbourly with them, just a chat if we see them in their front garden as we pass by.

My other neighbour is an elderly man, just a few chats with him.

We aren't ones for living in each other's pockets.


Hope everything works out for you.

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we had a pond years ago and koi fish 


one day i went to get the washing in and there was a dead koi in the basket


a hawk must have caught it but then dropped it 


thank goodness it did not drop it a few feet further or it would have landed in my back beighbours yard


they would never have believed we had not thrown it over


i wonder if the same could have happened with that rabbit ???

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A bird of prey was my first reaction too !!!


The only time we have had real problems with a neighbor was when we lived next door to a church semminary. One priest was the rudest, most arrogant person I have ever met. It always bewildered me why he became a priest, but I think it was probably tied up with all that old rubbish about people being respectful to members of the cloth, treating them as an extension of a higher power and similar tosh. Plus no-one else would ever employ the bloke as he had no idea about working in the real world.


Our little farm in the hills is a bit of an eye opener. I get on well with all of the neighbours, but most of them hate each other to the point where their squabbles often end up in court. Complaints about rampant weed growth, ( blackberries etc. ) Concerns about people shooting roos on their own properties ( but near others ) , Fence disputes, all have ended up with the authorities being called or even in court. They get stubborn to the point where they wont even talk to each other and it all gets very unpleasant.




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To use a delightful quote, neighbours can be like a box of chocolates. They can be fresh and sweet, stale and tasteless, and some can be just plain yukky. Best to bypass the stale and yukky ones and associate with the sweet ones if and when you choose.

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a hawk must have caught it but then dropped it 


thank goodness it did not drop it a few feet further or it would have landed in my back beighbours yard


they would never have believed we had not thrown it over


i wonder if the same could have happened with that rabbit ???

thats what OH said? maybe a bird dropped it, he laughed and walked off....OH fuming!!!  We live down the coast there are many large birds and there are also foxes....hes obv got a rabbit proof fence but seriously? how rude!


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No point worrying about it.  You can't change other people, only yourself.


I have a neighbour who spreads dirt about me because I told her off for bringing her dog over twice a day to use my nature strip as a toilet.  She hasn't spoken to me since but that's her problem, not mine.  Telling her off didn't stop her bringing the dog over, of course.  


Another neighbour's cat dug up $70 of strawberry plants and uses any freshly dug ground on my place as toilet, so if I want to grow anything it has to be covered over, but she goes into complete denial if I say anything so it's a complete waste of time trying to do anything about it.


Two more neighbours expect me to clean up all their tree branches (huge ones) that fall on my place, and they ignore the damage they do, but I'm sure they'd be the first to complain if the shoe was on the other foot.

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Another neighbour's cat dug up $70 of strawberry plants and uses any freshly dug ground on my place as toilet


Buy a big back of white pepper powder and sprinkle it around any vegie or fruit patches.

Cats won't be using it as a toilet anymore.



neighbours can be like a box of chocolates

 Ya never know watcha gonna get. Smiley Happy

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I don't know my neighbours very well, but in the last few years I had a couple of falls and the closest neighbour heard me calling out and rang the ambulance and stayed until they arrived.  Sometimes he has taken my bin out or brought it in.  (I'm selfish enough to wish someone did that every week as my arthritis is a real problem). ๐Ÿ™‚


My other neighbours I haven't spoken to in years but we've never had any disagreements.  Both neighbours have dogs.  I have a cat but she isn't allowed outside except in her own enclosed run.  Much safer for her as their dogs don't like cats.


Still, I don't see the neighbours very often which is probably is just as well as unfortunately I am terrible with names and I've forgotten theirs!

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I don't know my neighbours very well, but in the last few years I had a couple of falls and the closest neighbour heard me calling out and rang the ambulance and stayed until they arrived.  Sometimes he has taken my bin out or brought it in.  (I'm selfish enough to wish someone did that every week as my arthritis is a real problem). ๐Ÿ™‚


My other neighbours I haven't spoken to in years but we've never had any disagreements.  Both neighbours have dogs.  I have a cat but she isn't allowed outside except in her own enclosed run.  Much safer for her as their dogs don't like cats.


Still, I don't see the neighbours very often which is probably is just as well as unfortunately I am terrible with names and I've forgotten theirs!

thats a nice neighbour, sounds like he doesn't want to intrude but there at the important times.   Its funny how things could escalate, in our situation, we have trees and shrubs hanging over our fence, we could be spiteful and cut them throw them over (which we are perfectly entitlted to do). However I don't want a war starting, I just want a peaceful existance.   In our last house our neighbour would bring our bins and our neighbours bins in and also mow our naturestrip, we never asked he just did.  Another thing (im on a roll) he has 2 small dogs, I have one....they bark at each other through the fence every so often, Im the only one that tells my dog to stop, never heard him once tell them to be quiet. 

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