on 16-05-2013 07:15 PM
It would seem that a local weekly news paper in the coastal hamlet of Port Macquarie, home of the 17 minute windbag man Robert the DOPESHOTT knows the future of the election and who the winner is.
The headline in last weeks paper
New PM an Ironman?
ON THE back of another successful Ironman Australia event, Port Macquarie is buzzing at the thought of having the Prime Minister compete next year.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has signalled his intentions to compete at Port Macquarie next year and, should the polls be accurate, would become the first world leader to compete in an Ironman event.
Mr Abbott, 55, drew wide criticism in 2010 when he entered the Port Macquarie race, but finished in 14 hours – three hours before the cut-off.
The Coalition leader said his participation at Port Macquarie would be subject to the demands of the prime ministerial schedule.
on 16-05-2013 07:18 PM
hawke could knock him out after a yard glass. he's a wimp .
on 16-05-2013 07:21 PM
on 16-05-2013 07:26 PM
I will take pictures.
on 16-05-2013 07:27 PM
that pic was Pro- Abbott. it depicts his school fisticuffs
on 17-05-2013 01:31 PM
in 2010, abbott's best buddy barnaby reckoned 'is mate look like a gutted rabbit in that race.
not much changed
on 17-05-2013 01:37 PM
independence of the port macquarie independent seems to be in doubt, now, don't it
new group's part of fairfax media, rinehart, etcetera.
on 20-05-2013 10:03 AM
Tabbott's boss has been convicted today for drink-driving.
on 20-05-2013 11:24 AM
on 20-05-2013 11:26 AM
😮 Gina or Rupert ?