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Ex-elite sportsman jailed over child sex

A former elite sportsman and youth worker has been jailed over child sex offences committed nearly three decades ago.

Men that have left-leaning views are weaker.

men with right-leaning views are stronger and have more upper body strength and look after their cash. hm.. I knew there was a reason I am more conservative... I like my men to be fit and healthy... and to look after their money...

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New PM an Ironman? Seems Port Macquarie Knows the future

It would seem that a local weekly news paper in the coastal hamlet of Port Macquarie, home of the 17 minute windbag man Robert the DOPESHOTT knows the future of the election and who the winner is. The headline in last weeks paper New PM an Ironman? h...

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Does anyone know Toni Childs?

"Many Rivers to Cross" ... and LOTS more. She sang at our gig last Sunday. Evidently on the way somewhere and her car broke down ... so she came into the little cafe where we were playing ... sat and had a listen and her minder put her name up on our...

An increase to the GST? :O

It was bad enough to scrap the wholesale tax in favour of the GST, but now top of the list for LNP tax reforms will be increasing the GST and taxing those things that weren't taxed before like food, education and health.

the death penalty and Bali drug Runners

I am just wondering what the feeling is re the possibility of the two convicted Drug runners being Executed ? .I notice it has suddenly become an issue again with Indonesian statement they will execute 10 people this year would you be angry at Indone...

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