on 09-01-2022 10:16 PM
Now the covid contagion is considered a pandemic of the unvaxxed , yet most detected cases recover .
Those recovered do obviously have now a measure of immunity from damaging subsequent infection exposure
As such should these now many people be considered vaccinated ? and so added to the vaxx stats
Should there be a certificate declaring positive vaxx status from naturally acquired immunity that is equal in priviledge as the unnaturally acquired vaxx immunity ?
on 10-01-2022 05:08 PM
on 10-01-2022 05:12 PM
Certainly seems as if someone dared Petticash to be more incompetent than Gladys
on 10-01-2022 05:14 PM
Isn't that Novak Djokovic's position? Let's see what happens in court at 8pm
on 10-01-2022 05:46 PM
on 10-01-2022 05:47 PM
on 11-01-2022 09:43 PM
revealing but seems raw data as no indication that has been corrected for individual comorbities effects , as for example the vaxxed may have had a tendency to be more intrinsically healthy than the more possibly apathetic unvaxxed , so suffered less fatalities
Also the double vaxxed , early adopters , may have tended to be more affluent and so benefited from private health care conditions and treatments that may be different to public
Maybe no factors influencing results but until investigated i think speaks of a trend in favour of being vaxxed
ps no indication of post hospital discharge status
on 11-01-2022 09:48 PM
Oh good grief - now we have ' class ' issues.
The Vax is free for all.
on 12-01-2022 09:43 AM
Once again Dom, you are letting facts get in the way
on 12-01-2022 10:23 AM
I'm blaming it on NIB. 😀
on 12-01-2022 11:11 AM
re :
Oh good grief - now we have ' class ' issues.
The Vax is free for all.
Class as defined only by gross income generally denotes a level of discretionary spending potential which can relate to better intrinsic health and often better morale with higher quality care through private health insurance advantages which reasonably should be considered to influence morbitity outcomes in favour of survival
When the vaxxed vs unvaxxed was 50/50 in number of people ,i wonder what was the % of middle Australia upwards of each and what was the death rates thereof , as per popular culture should be the same ....