New look at covid stats

Now the covid contagion is considered a pandemic of the unvaxxed , yet most detected cases recover .

Those recovered do obviously have now a measure of immunity from damaging subsequent infection exposure 


As such should these now many people be considered vaccinated ? and so added to the vaxx stats 


Should there be a certificate declaring positive vaxx status from naturally acquired immunity  that is equal in priviledge as the unnaturally acquired vaxx immunity ? 

Message 1 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats



this is from the story you provided the link for:


this means the risk of death for double vaccinated people has been cut to less than one-twentieth of the value for unvaccinated people with the same underlying risk profile


I am happily triple vaxxed.

Message 41 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

I momentarily forgot that @4channel claims that with me on his ignore list that he doesn't see my posts.


Can someone else post what I posted? No excuse not to respond then.

Message 42 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@4channel wrote:


Credible reports are showing a higher amount of "vaccinated" people in need of hospital admission.



Naturally. The % of people in hospital or ICU who have been fully vaccinated has gone up quite a bit but you have to look at it in context.

At the moment, something like 95+% of our over 16 population has been vaccinated.


If the vaccine made no difference, you would therefore expect that 95% of the people in hospital with covid would be fully vaccinated. That isn't the case.

The stats I can quote are not totally up to date but show that only about 64% of those in ICU in Vic were fully vaccinated.

In NSW in one week in late March, 25% of the covid deaths were in totally unvaccinated people.


When you consider that less than 5% of the adult pop is unvaxxed, what the stats are showing is that the unvaxxed are over represented. They are much more likely to end up in hospital or die of covid. They are more likely to be seriously affected by covid.


I do find it a cop out though if someone says-well, that person had covid but they were old anyway and they were probably going to die soon with their other conditions so it isn't really covid that killed them.


Death isn't always a straight forward thing but something usually triggers a death. To use my brother in law as an example, he had bad kidneys and lungs, he was deaf and was in a nursing home, with limited mobility. Was his life wonderful? No, I don't think so but he enjoyed the small things and was doing okay till he came down with covid. His kidney function deteriorated rapidly and he had some trouble breathing and he died.

So what killed him? I'm inclined to say covid hastened his death, it was the catalyst. Covid can affect the function of organs and I think it worsened an already poor position.

Sort of like dominoes.


I think where an acute illness, whether it be covid, pneumonia or whatever, if it triggers the death, it is only fair to list it as leading cause of death.

Message 43 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:



this is from the story you provided the link for:


this means the risk of death for double vaccinated people has been cut to less than one-twentieth of the value for unvaccinated people with the same underlying risk profile


I am happily triple vaxxed.


Reposting as requested by author. ๐Ÿ˜Š

********* *********** *********** ************ ************ *********** ***********
Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 44 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@springyzone wrote:

I do find it a cop out though if someone says-well, that person had covid but they were old anyway and they were probably going to die soon with their other conditions so it isn't really covid that killed them.




I should have put that a bit better. What I was getting at is that deaths recorded as a covid-19 death are not always as such.  There's a significant portion that are from other causes. It just happens that the person may or may not have covid-19. They could have influenza or other sickness.


BTW: I recognized that due to the higher amount of jabbed people, the stats with jabbed folk being hospitalized would obviously increase. I posted link for that reason. But also to show that the sales pitch to get folk jabbed was at various stages just fearmongering and was presented incorrectly.




@springyzone wrote:


I think where an acute illness, whether it be covid, pneumonia or whatever, if it triggers the death, it is only fair to list it as leading cause of death.



One again sorry for the loss of your family member, Sad thing when someone significant in our lives passes away.


OK, well often the covid-19 has little to do with the death of the person and in many cases it has nothing to do with the death. I'm in now way suggesting that the majority of recorded deaths are not as portrayed. But there is a significant portion that are not. Looking back to last year and valued contributor rogespeed's research, I was directed to an article by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation news website about the unreliability of tests. Since then I have listened to the most respected of medical professionals expanding on this.  So this issue obviously needs to be taken into account.


Looking at the whole way the government  handled this,  I'm in utter amazement at the level of incompetence. In something resembling a warped comedy where the inmates take over the asylum, we've seen duty of care being ignored with resulting catastrophic results. The late response to bush fires is another example. 


Labor could have been the savior that we desperately need. Once upon a time it it was for the people. Now it's a different flavour of what the Liberal Party represents. The last chance it had was with Kevin Rudd (((Australia's best ever PM))) but the damage was done by behind the scenes nastiness.  When he was out of PM seat, the quick downside happened. Greens and ONP are just more horrid versions of those two parties.

Looking at the United Australia party, I can see commonsense with a lateral thought approach this issue that was either ignored or failed to be understood due to gross stupidity.

Message 45 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

The below clip is enlightening and gives an insight into the misunderstanding of the situation.




Peter A. McCullough, MD and I talk about Data, Research, and statistics
Apr 16, 2022

William Wallis For America


Peter A. McCullough, MD doesn't need an introduction for many people. But for those who don't know him you are in for a unique experience. When it comes to his ability to communicate proven data, knowledge, facts, extensive research, publicly available information he collected from credible sources, and his own personal experience from seeing patients as a physician, you will feel confidently informed. But more importantly, he does it in a non-ideological way while avoiding the narratives that distort the facts. While he has been criticized by people that don't have his knowledge or heart to do the right thing, no one with any credibility has been able to disprove or debunk his information, because he is so well resourced. This interview is empowering. Thank you for listening.




Common sense. Yes!

Message 46 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@4channel wrote:


Looking at the United Australia party, I can see commonsense with a lateral thought approach this issue that was either ignored or failed to be understood due to gross stupidity.\





Message 47 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@4channel wrote:

The below clip is enlightening and gives an insight into the misunderstanding of the situation.




Peter A. McCullough, MD and I talk about Data, Research, and statistics
Apr 16, 2022

William Wallis For America


Peter A. McCullough, MD doesn't need an introduction for many people. But for those who don't know him you are in for a unique experience. When it comes to his ability to communicate proven data, knowledge, facts, extensive research, publicly available information he collected from credible sources, and his own personal experience from seeing patients as a physician, you will feel confidently informed. But more importantly, he does it in a non-ideological way while avoiding the narratives that distort the facts. While he has been criticized by people that don't have his knowledge or heart to do the right thing, no one with any credibility has been able to disprove or debunk his information, because he is so well resourced. This interview is empowering. Thank you for listening.




Common sense. Yes!

WOW - there's 144 people who listened to rubbish regarding Covid. 

Message 48 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

.. .. .. ..

@4channel wrote:


Looking at the United Australia party, I can see commonsense with a lateral thought approach this issue that was either ignored or failed to be understood due to gross stupidity.




@repentatleisure1952 wrote:





Well, that's what I initially thought when thinking of Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly as having a solution. But then I began to see the sense they were making. Highlighting the policy of avoiding early stage treatment that could have saved countless lives, I began to listen more closely. They were saying what the most respected doctors in the US,  Europe and the UK were saying. Sadly they weren't doing the big pharma share holders any favours. 

Message 49 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

Yes the policy of denying life-saving early stage treatment for this corona virus will be looked upon with amazement and utter disgust in years to come. It should sit aside the bloodletting treatment and non-sterilization practices that were common in those days.

Message 50 of 71
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