New look at covid stats

Now the covid contagion is considered a pandemic of the unvaxxed , yet most detected cases recover .

Those recovered do obviously have now a measure of immunity from damaging subsequent infection exposure 


As such should these now many people be considered vaccinated ? and so added to the vaxx stats 


Should there be a certificate declaring positive vaxx status from naturally acquired immunity  that is equal in priviledge as the unnaturally acquired vaxx immunity ? 

Message 1 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@not_for_sale2025 wrote:

Dr Steve James


"My principal objection is to a ‘mandate’ where my colleagues and I are forced to decide between retaining bodily autonomy or retaining our jobs. Different people hold different points of view. Deriding those who disagree with you — like turning to coercion or overturning bodily autonomy — marks the point where we begin to fail as a free society." 


So the stance he has taken has not been based on medical science, his "principal objection" has been based on individual rights as a member of what he sees as a "free society"!



Those people who have become "vaccinated" can and do spread virus. The reasons given during coercion ((bullying, heavihandedness,  threatening, intimidating)) to get people jabbed was not correct. Sadly to those who had relationships destroyed, lost employment, had mental breakdowns, self harmed, committed suicide, the continued parroting of "You need to get vaccinated if you want to maintain your job"  is a cruel joke.

Everyone deserves freedom. Their status of freedom shouldn't be conditional to the political advancement aspirations of an ambitious politician or profit desires of big pharma.


The fact is that jabbed folk spread virus.





CDC: Fully-vaccinated people can still spread the delta variant

Jul 31, 2021



2.03M subscribers



And the "vaccine" is technically experimental!

Message 61 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

That's all very interesting, but it was not Dr James' "principal objection", so I can only presume it is yours? What exactly is your point? It appears to be a very anti-vaccination post! But you have stated many times that you are not anti-vax!!

Message 62 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@not_for_sale2025 wrote:

That's all very interesting, but it was not Dr James' "principal objection", so I can only presume it is yours? What exactly is your point? It appears to be a very anti-vaccination post! But you have stated many times that you are not anti-vax!!



Well, I'm not anti-vaccination. I support the use of some vaccines as I believe they can be helpful.  The vaccines I support, well ....  I'm satisfied that they've also been tested properly. It takes a decade plus to test a vaccine as there are manifestations that could be apparent only in real-time. No amount of computer simulation or hypothesis can substitute for the real thing! Also a big vaccine manufacturer was exposed yet again for fudging their results. Naughty ....  naughty  .... naughty !!!!


Trying to force someone to take a jab or lose their job on the pretense that they need to do it for the safety of others when the "jabbed" can spread and infect is immoral! And adding into the factor that the jab is experimental, well ... ..   the guy deserves a bravery medal for his stance! He's as brave as the roles portrayed by the actor of the same name!

Message 63 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

Ok then, so are you anti-Covid-19 vaccination? I'm asking because you frequently commence your posts with a positive comment, then conclude with a negative comment about exactly the same thing. The positive comments come across as disingenuous some times.

Message 64 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

Oh for goodness sake!  
How much longer do we have to be subjected to your continued dribble? 
You’ve got it on *rinse and repeat* over and over…. We are all sick of it!  

* the jabbed can spread the virus!*……  
Well boo bloody hoo. 

So can those who’ve had the flu vax!   
…. or are you against that too? 😑


Your soap box is out of bloody soap man! Move on!!! 

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Message 65 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@not_for_sale2025 wrote:

Ok then, so are you anti-Covid-19 vaccination? I'm asking because you frequently commence your posts with a positive comment, then conclude with a negative comment about exactly the same thing. The positive comments come across as disingenuous some times.



I'm not anti covid vaccination. For a portion of people it may be the right road to go. Since early stage effective oral drugs are not available, then for some it should be considered. But .. .. ..  the "vaccine" is still in  the experimental stage and I described "how" previously. Still, for some people it can give protection. But the will of the people must be respected. Due to the incompetence of our government, it's like forced insurance that one must take or be kicked out of their home. And  if a claim is needed to be made, it may be discovered that the cover is inadequate.


In conclusion, I think that the "covid vaccine" should be an option, sit side by side with oral drugs. And whoever makes what choice for their health, their wishes be respected. Just .. .. please, no more destruction of people's livelihood, intimidation in order to get them to take it.


In addition, there should be a major drive implemented by the government to promote healthy living, nutrition, educate the people etc..  Politicians who have allowed certain chemicals and harmful additives into our food and environment should be sacked immediately. 

Message 66 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@4channel wrote:


I'm not anti covid vaccination. 




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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 67 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@4channel wrote:


In conclusion, 



Please let it be so.


Message 68 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

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Message 69 of 71
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Re: New look at covid stats

@4channel wrote:


I'm not anti covid vaccination. For a portion of people it may be the right road to go. Since early stage effective oral drugs are not available, then for some it should be considered. But .. .. ..  the "vaccine" is still in  the experimental stage and I described "how" previously. Still, for some people it can give protection. But the will of the people must be respected. Due to the incompetence of our government, it's like forced insurance that one must take or be kicked out of their home. And  if a claim is needed to be made, it may be discovered that the cover is inadequate.


In conclusion, I think that the "covid vaccine" should be an option, sit side by side with oral drugs. And whoever makes what choice for their health, their wishes be respected. Just .. .. please, no more destruction of people's livelihood, intimidation in order to get them to take it.


In addition, there should be a major drive implemented by the government to promote healthy living, nutrition, educate the people etc..  Politicians who have allowed certain chemicals and harmful additives into our food and environment should be sacked immediately. 

One could almost think the will of the people is to be vaccinated - given - 95% of the population over 16 are fully vaccinated.


Discussion ????

Message 70 of 71
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