No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Barack Obama was in Riyadh on Tuesday to pay his respects to the late Saudi King Abdullah.


His visit, for which he cut short a much-hyped trip to India, underscores how important the U.S.-Saudi relationship remains to the American leadership.


On social media, however, much of the attention has focused on something else: His wife's attire.


As noted by the Associated Press, Michelle Obama did not wear a headscarf or veil Tuesday. In Saudi Arabia, that's unusual: The country is one of the few on Earth where women are expected to cover their heads, and most Saudi women wear niqabs.


Exceptions are made for foreigners, however, and Michelle — who did wear loose clothing that fully covered her arms — appears to have been one of them.

In photographs from the official events, other foreign female guests are also shown not wearing headscarves.


More than 1,500 tweets using the hashtag #ميشيل_أوباما_سفور (roughly, #Michelle_Obama_immodesty) were sent Tuesday, many of which criticized the first lady. Some users pointed out that on a recent trip to Indonesia, Michelle had worn a headscarf. Why not in Saudi Arabia?


Entire Article Here


I think that's disrespectful. Especially at a funeral.

Message 1 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

@vicr3000 wrote:


When in Rome, do what the Romans do ?


Follow the local custom ?


Be gracious to your guests by following how they do things.


It's not hard.



The thing is, the Obama's are so up themselves and think they are superior to everyone else.



She was the guest.  Are you suggesting that they should have followed her and removed their own?

Message 21 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

@polksaladallie wrote:

Aw gee, another clever post.  Wow!  Just wow!  

awwww...sharks..thank you Heart





Message 22 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Woman Wink
@*julia*2010 wrote:

@debra9275 wrote:

yes a blow up over nothing......  as a western woman she was not expected to cover up, so she didn't... so what??




margie abbott was heavily criticised on

this forum for the way she dressed while visiting

indonesia even though her shoulders

were covered and dress was below knees.  


Smiley Wink



I don't remember that but Indonesia is not Saudi arabia is it?  So how is it relevent anyway?






Message 23 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral




These things are worked out a long way in advance and everyone knows what everyone is going to do.


Even sometimes down to what the men ladies are wearing so not clashes !!! LOL



Message 24 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Perhaps the poster would be so kind as to link to the threads in which Margie Abbott was attacked for not dressing appropriately.


I can't find any such thread or attack.

Message 25 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Maybe, in a roundabout sort of way, Michelle Obama was "saying" something to the women of the nation.



Message 26 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Well Michelle Obama has not offended the saudi's, so what's all the fuss?

Message 27 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Not at all disrespectful. If it was against the law there for female foreigners, they would have chucked her in jail.


Why get outraged about something that is not even your custom,your country?


From the opening post.

Exceptions are made for foreigners, however, and Michelle — who did wear loose clothing that fully covered her arms — appears to have been one of them.

In photographs from the official events, other foreign female guests are also shown not wearing headscarves.


Message 28 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

@vicr3000 wrote:




These things are worked out a long way in advance and everyone knows what everyone is going to do.


Even sometimes down to what the men ladies are wearing so not clashes !!! LOL



Which ones are the men ladies?

Message 29 of 55
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No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

I don't remember anything sbout Margie abbott in Indonesia either Glee. Maybe julia should post a link to it. I do remember there were a couple of threads asking where she was, that's all I know

Message 30 of 55
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