on 27-02-2014 05:01 PM
Look- all sacked workers need to do is become women, secure high-paying jobs & have babies. It really is that simple.
Well I thought it was funny!
on 28-02-2014 07:58 PM
@donnashuggy wrote:I keep up to date there icy, you can find things out much faster and have a laugh at the same time
yeah i get it and then repeat it all again on CS oh what laughs - we laughed and laughed
on 28-02-2014 08:05 PM
Join Twitter and tweet whatever your mind can conceive without constraint, there is always enough who will believe and spread it around vowing it to be reality 🙂
on 28-02-2014 08:05 PM
@donnashuggy wrote:I keep up to date there icy, you can find things out much faster and have a laugh at the same time
just thought i would thank you again donna, i don't tweet myself , but this bloke is certainly worth reading. shame he isn't a poster here.
on 28-02-2014 08:07 PM
on 28-02-2014 08:32 PM
on 28-02-2014 09:22 PM
on 28-02-2014 09:25 PM
on 28-02-2014 09:29 PM
@spotweldersfriend wrote:
Not me donna.I'm too busy cleaning my Carcano.:)
so is that like meccano?
on 28-02-2014 09:30 PM
@donnashuggy wrote:It could be spot 🙂
no spot doesn't swear
on 28-02-2014 10:02 PM