on 30-05-2013 08:29 PM
on 30-05-2013 09:17 PM
he is SUCH a hypocrite!!!
on 30-05-2013 09:25 PM
How did he lie to the Australian people when the people did not know the contents of this docupromise unlike the present PM he did not go on TV and blatantly telll lies to the electorate.
i don't deny he should have given much more thought to the plan before agreeing to it but only a few disagreed but would still have accepted the money. In this respect they are all the same.
on 30-05-2013 09:31 PM
So, politicians telling lies are OK, as long as they don't tell them on TV?:^O
on 30-05-2013 09:38 PM
He was not very astute arranging the whole agreement below the horizon, now he has had to bow to the party and the minor parties/Independents,
"Others expressed their extreme disquiet at the deal privately. One MP described it as “the kind of grubby tactic you would expect from the Labor party … it’s pretty disgusting”."
on 30-05-2013 10:21 PM
Abbott got rolled by his own party after writing this letter. Poor old Chrissy Pyne must have had a conniption.
Wasn't it Tony Abbott who said you could only believe what he said if it was a carefully scripted statement. Well, that hasn't worked well for him either, has it ?
on 30-05-2013 10:48 PM
on 30-05-2013 10:55 PM
At least he has the decency to listen to the people... considering we vote the pollies in I think the least they can do is listen to the will of the people.
on 31-05-2013 06:45 AM
So, politicians telling lies are OK, as long as they don't tell them on TV?:^O
you said it, I didn't, I don't think anyone should blatantly tell lies of such great magnitude that effects the whole country like JG has done,
have you ever told a little white lie, bet u have because I have. ( the sky is falling ) if you believe that
on 31-05-2013 09:08 AM
His entire persona is a lie, because he is attempting to hide his nasty reality. That's why he won't go on qanda or face up to real interviews. Even when he does doorstops, he ignores questions that are critical.