Old dogs with dementia

I have a cardigan corgi (blue merle) like this one (this is not mine, although mine is very similar), mine will be 12 soon.


She has always been slightly eccentric however lately she appears to be showing signs of dementia: "let me in, let me out, let me in, let me out; What's that noise? I thought I heard a noise?, There it is again, I will bark at it, let me out, let me in; You SNEEZED! How dare you sneeze! I will bark at your sneeze. Ooh cat food, I will eat it all up, I'm hungry, let me eat more of the cat's food? I will cry if I don't get more of the cat's food" and on and on and on.


She is in excellent physical health and never has an accident inside the main house, however she will occasionally pee on the rug in the sun-room if she thinks it's too cold outside.


Is this typical behaviour from aging dogs?

“I’ve got my purse and my gift and my gloves and my selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and my monoamine oxidase inhibitor and I have my anti-anxiety disco biscuits and I am ready to go. I am really ready!” Sheila
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Old dogs with dementia

Community Member



It is not a condition I have had to deal with so far thankfully.


I did though with one of my cats 😞


Has this been a slow progression or did you notice it all of a sudden?


Is she due for a visit to the vet soon for innoculations?  Perhaps it is something you could discuss at that time, unless her behaviour deteriorates further.


Sorry I cannot be of further help - I expect someone will be along soon with some advice or recounting their experience. 

Message 2 of 17
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Old dogs with dementia

buzz you have just described my 14 yr old dog


Love her to bits but she's driving us crazy lately

Message 3 of 17
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Old dogs with dementia

Honored Contributor

Twelve seems  bit young for a smaller breed to develop dementia.

I would be taking him to a Vet as it may be a symptom of something that can be treated easily.

I had a Corgi when I was a kid and he developed some weird symptoms that were eventually traced to a heart problem.  By treating the symptoms we were able to make his last months much more comfortable.

Message 4 of 17
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Old dogs with dementia

My 12 yo maltese developed dementia.  Used to get lost in a room and stand in a corner staring at it until I rescued him.

Buzz, I googled and found the symptoms and how to make them feel comfortable and loved.

Message 5 of 17
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Old dogs with dementia

Community Member




gentle bump


I mistook this for the string thread 





Message 6 of 17
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Old dogs with dementia


Message 7 of 17
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Old dogs with dementia

I suppose the age varies when dogs get dementia, just like with humans.

I just saw on the tv a man who started to get his at 45. 

If she's in good physical health then that's great, and as for eating the 

cat's food my dogs would kill to get at it and they're not old, lol.  

Plenty of tlc sounds the order of the day which I'm sure she's getting. 

Message 8 of 17
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Old dogs with dementia

That is a perfect description of The Little Madam, she is 15 years old and driving me stark raving mad.


She lives with my mother and the poor Little Madam sometimes wakes when my mother is having a shower and will stand barking until my mother comes out of the bathroom.


We have the added problem of failing eyesight and total deafness but fortunately the whole living area has floor boards so she picks up any movement and is aware someone is approaching.


I take my cat around 2 or 3 times a week and sometimes I think in the 4 or 5 hours I am there the dog never realised the cat was also in the house.


My Little Madam is due for a visit to the vet in early July (lots of boosters due) but this is going to be a difficult visit as the Little Madam has numerous tumors on her and one is under her arm and then another one about 2 cm away and on her chest and we think they are starting to get in the way as they get bigger.

Message 9 of 17
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Old dogs with dementia

my mums 16 year old mini foxie has dementia, one thing she does mirrors what humans with dementia do.


I'm currently on my tablet, but if you are interested buzz I'd be happy to post more of my experiences

Message 10 of 17
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