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RUDD has cancelled his trip to China... INTERESTING

RUDD has cancelled his trip to China and was due to fly out on Thursday BUT isnt now So is it on Dopeshott gone Windsor Gone The rats are jumping ship... Bandt saying the greens are prepared for an early election and KDUDD cancelling his trip to Chin...

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The sorry state of our media

We should be talking about policies and achievements, instead the "journalists" are asking the same questions over and over; could not have put it better than this:

The Australian equivalent of the Mafia

Here are a few exerpt. "An enormous amount of policy and process is there to be dissected. The government is so manically pushing legislation through the Senate that it has extended the final sitting day to Friday and given notice it intends to gag d...

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Climate change-for skeptics.

On ninemsn Make of it what you will. My only observation is ; "for 30 years we have been seeing seeing more and more out of season worldwide extremes of wea...

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Acetabular Labral Tear

The MRI shows I have 2 tears in my hip cartilage, so now we know what the pain is from. Has anyone had surgery to rectify this problem and how did it all go? Or did you over come the pain by building up muscle around the area as some have done? I am ...

Union Urges Retailers Sign Safety Accord

The textile union has called on two leading Australian retailers who sell Bangladeshi manufactured clothing to immediately sign an accord on building safety in that country. Several Australian retailers including Coles, Rivers and Forever New were na...

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St George Bank online

Does anybody here use it?? I have recently discovered that any transactions I make require a secure code authorization, which entails a text or call to my home or mobile phone...... today, it won't let me do it..... I had never seen this before, did ...

Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

Just how DESPERATE and out of touch is Gillard Great, great headline. But more importantly, the image perfectly illustrates not just that Julia Gillard is obsessed with spin, but is so bad at it that everything screams “fake!”: The remarkable image, ...

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Tasmanians revolt against the greens

Tasmania is broke and a basket case and being supported by main land Australia all thanks to the greens killing jobs and industries. The Tasmanian people have been waiting in poverty and unemployment for 20 years now for the Bob Browns green job revo...

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Talking With The Taliban

"WE can always count on the Americans to do the right thing," Winston Churchill is reputed to have said, "after they have exhausted all the other possibilities." I love that line! Good ol' Winnie sure came up with some good ones! In announcing last w...

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Driving in Italy

If you travel to Italy be real careful where you drive. A friend of mine got back from there about 4 months ago and he now has received a letterbox full of fines from there. There is a law there called 'Zona traffico limitato'. Basically if your numb...


I didn't watch the video, because I don't like watching animals dying, but this sounds seriously effed up.

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