Our carbon tax just got more insane

Community Member

Europe’s carbon price is now just a fifth of Australia’s absurd $23 a tonne:


European Union carbon permits posted their biggest weekly drop since January as nations and other policy makers considered a plan to temporarily remove supply from the market.


EU carbon for December fell 11 percent this week to close at 3.78 euros ($4.94) a metric ton on the ICE Futures Europe exchange in London


In two years, under Labor’s policy, we’ll be linked to Europe’s price. Current prices suggest that compensation pitched now for a $23 a tonne price will then be funded by a tax that’s just a fraction of that, leaving a multi-billion-dollar hole.



(labor wont care as it wont be their problem as they will be voted out leaving their mess to someone else to fix)



Time Climate Change Minister Greg Combet came clean on his mendacious spin.


Meanwhile, China keeps stalling on its own miniscule tax:


China will wait until after this year to introduce a tax on carbon, deferring to concern that economic growth might suffer, a government researcher said.


The nation eventually expects to introduce a levy of 5 yuan to 10 yuan (80 cents to $1.61) per ton of carbon, Jia Kang, head of research at the Ministry of Finance, said in Beijing yesterday.


In New Zealand, where the main source of electricity is hydro power anyway, the carbon price is in t...





We really do look ridiculous in our gold-plated global warming evangelism.






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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

TAXPAYERS have already seen their power bills rise by almost $200 a year on average under the carbon tax - and now they will have to fork out for it a second time.





Millions of people will receive assistance through tax cuts and payment increases.

The Household Assistance Package is part of the Australian Government’s plan for a Clean Energy Future. Around 300 of the biggest polluters in Australia will pay for their pollution under the carbon pricing mechanism, which will be used to assist households to help meet price impacts, support jobs in the most affected industries and build a clean energy future













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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

Millions of people will receive assistance through tax cuts and payment increases.


And millions more don't get payment increases because they don't get anything from CL and the extras dont cover half the increases and the tax cuts don't change what many pay either, because the cuts come as other deductions have been scrapped.


nothing more than smoke and mirrors   













Message 12 of 88
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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

And millions more don't get payment increases because they don't get anything from CL


and you have said the carbon tax only affects the poor haven't you ?




and the extras dont cover half the increases


don't they ?



and the tax cuts don't change what many pay either,

because the cuts come as other deductions have been scrapped 



What are the tax cuts?


As part of the Household Assistance Package, the tax free threshold was increased from $6,000 to $18,200 from 1 July 2012

Individuals with a taxable income of less than $80,000 will receive a tax cut. Most will receive a tax cut of around $300 a year.

The tables below provide the tax rates for:

2012-13 to 2014-15 (which apply from 1 July 2012)

2015-16 (which apply from 1 July 2015)

$300/year would cover the average $200/year increase 


 which other deductions have been scraped and how much are they worth ?

Message 13 of 88
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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

List of 9 biggest carbon producing countries.

How is Australia going to make a difference if most of these countries don't do the same.

It's all well and good to say "it has to start somewhere" but we are nothing compared to any of these places and they don't take ANY notice of us down here.

It's costing the average Australian family more than most can afford because JG decided to go on some crusade and give herself an agenda she thought may make her popular.








South Korea 

United States

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 14 of 88
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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

Do you expect our PM's to Govern other Countries too NS ?

Message 15 of 88
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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

because JG decided to go on some crusade and give herself an agenda she thought may make her popular.



make herself popular ?



Message 16 of 88
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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

Do you expect our PM's to Govern other Countries too NS ?

Absolutely not, she is having enough trouble trying to keep her seat in this one, I just think it is a little absurd that she places so much emphasis on having a carbon tax here when the rest of the world apart from a few don't give a S - -T. If the rest of the world was on board that would be great but the fact remains it is not.

The introduction of the CT in Australia was more to do with money raising for a government in crisis and a lawyer whose ambitions outstrip her capabilities.


Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 17 of 88
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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

Money raising ? 

are you sure ?

Message 18 of 88
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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

Actually, fact is the rest of the world is doing it, in one way or another. Even developing countries are doing it. If the Libs overturn the carbon initiatives we'll be the laughing stock. 


Hawk I couldn't find Kentucky council in SA, but I found Adelaide to see if what you said is right... And it seems not. Adelaide council has a heap of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, many in direct response to the carbon price legislation. For example, they've improved how waste is managed. They offer incentives to businesses and even have a solar powered bus named Tindo :^O oh... And free push bikes ... Now that's a great idea. 


Now, you don't need to move to the city to understand that many (most?) of the initiatives are a direct response to the carbon pricing scheme. In other words, they would not have happened if Labor hadn't introduced the scheme. 


We have been saying since the 60s, "save the rainforest". Did it work? No it didn't. More incentives were required... that's obvious. Saving the rainforest is still a good thing, but it's simply not enough,


So if your local council hasn't initiated anything, I'd recommend you complain, because the residents in your area will end up being at a financial and ecological disadvantage.



Message 19 of 88
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Re: Our carbon tax just got more insane

Money raising ? 

are you sure ?


Lets face it, this government has created a huge deficit from a surplus it inherited when it was elected. Even the mining boom has not prevented this government from going into deficit and spending, spending, spending. It will take years to pay back the debt and years to recover.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 20 of 88
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