Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

The puppies are coming, the puppies are coming!!!!!


We (as a family) decided back in January that this year we would get a puppy!
Miss Samantha is over 2 and the teens are waaay big enough to offer extra help as needed!


This is a BIG deal for me, Ive only ever been a "cat person"..... It's almost like the decision to have another child, very serious to me!!


Anyhoo...... My sons girlfriend has 2 King Charles Cavaliers, and they are having puppies RIGHT NOW!! 🙂
Have spoken to the girls parents and we have known for sometime that we'd be getting one of this litter (the only litter they are having).


I need to do some research on that breed and puppies in general!!!


We will spend time over their house with Miss Samantha over the coming weeks to see which puppy bonds with her best. Will be coming home to us in 6-8 weeks time ♥ 



Oh... I also have NO ideas for dog names and my teens are not being very helpful!!!!!



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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

Name suggestions will definately be considered!!! 🙂
Message 2 of 98
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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

Hi Kylie.  We have a cavalier and they are the most beautiful, gentle dogs.  All I would like to suggest is before you choose one that you have it vet checked for knee and heart problems.  They are susceptible to both which can result in very expensive vet fees.


Our blenhiem is Molly but depending on the colour, I love the name Gypsy for a tri.


Good luck Kylie - you will not be sorry.


Your son's got a girlfriend - heavens they are growing up!

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Message 3 of 98
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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

HIi Kylie HOW EXCITING  you will be getting the most perfect puppy..Woman HappyCavaliers are the most gentle and loving breed you can own...We have had them over many years and every single one is a beautiful as each other..At the moment i have Lucy a ruby pup who i have hand raised from 1 week old..We have a ruby boy calvin klien and a blenhiem girl pebbles.. .You can always ask  for any advice about general puppy care..health and so on

 as im sure many of us would be more than happy to help..One thing as many  other cavalier owners know of great inportance is to be very aware of the health problems known in this breed..Unfortunatley heart problems are very commonplace and shorten the lives of many cavaliers..Heartworm prevention treatment is highly recomended also for these dogs.What color are you hoping for..

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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

Hi Sandy & Jenni 🙂

Thanks for the tips!

The mummy dog (Bella) is a small Ruby and the dad (Taxi) is a bit bigger, a Blenheim ... White with brown coat.

She had 4 puppies!! There are 2x full coloured Ruby's, 1 white & brown and 1 tri-colour!
We have no preference of male or female, I like multi coloured.
Hoping that Sammy bonds with one?

I know I can accommodate vet visits etc to keep our pup in good health, something that had previous made me not want to get a dog.

I have some pics on my phone I will post later (I'm on iPad right now).

I will get a sneak peak on Sat when I drop my son over to their house for a party. ❤️
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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

Sandy, yes, my baby boy has a sweet girlfriend, they are not too serious as they are only just turning 15 in the coming month/s.
Our families have become friends having spent time with the young couple. Sammy absolutely loves her which is nice!

Miss 17 1/2 been with her b/f for 2 yrs!

All great kids!

They grow up too quick! 😞
Message 6 of 98
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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

geez I thought you were having another baby! 🙂


Congratulations on the puppies


I always thought a good name for a dog would be "ROWF".





Message 7 of 98
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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

You will never regret this and you will wonder why you waited so long. I have a Blenheim Cavalier called Millie and we saw her at 2 weeks of age.  They are a breed you never leave outside, they love human company and to be snuggled up real close.


I couldn't have a dog for many years because of where I lived but things changed. That was the happiest day of my life. My last dog was a Corgi which is a great breed but because of where I live I had to be very careful so did a lot of research. The Cavalier came up trumps. This breed loves people, kids, other dogs and is so loving in every way.


I have written a book on Cavaliers, their personality, health and training. If you like you can send me a message and I will give you the PDF of it.  I think you would find it quite helpful when you get your puppy.

Message 8 of 98
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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

Icy, no more babies for me! 😞
Not just the age creeping up, I am also single (happily). 3 kids is great though, and now a puppy! Yay!!
Message 9 of 98
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Re: Our new addition is being born right now!! ♥

@kyliecrv wrote:
Icy, no more babies for me! 😞
Not just the age creeping up, I am also single (happily). 3 kids is great though, and now a puppy! Yay!!

I'd love a puppy 🙂

Message 10 of 98
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