POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

MENTAL AS ANYTHING isn't it? Spirit Got Lost    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_G5dpgeWb4


I've always believed in the 'Fair Go' principles and indeed history of the ALP, but I don't recognise this version of it.....did they lose the plot?...and with the only alternative being TONY, (who can't even string a few sentences together on short notice).....aren't we all feeling a tad........lost?...like are we ROOOONED?


...if only LNP, (or for that matter ALP) would change leaders to those we saw debating on Q&A, just before Christmas?....(Namely Rudd and Turnbull)....I was excited to see them both debate intelligently and HUMOUROUSLY.....so why aren't they the ones we're voting for?.  To hell with Personalities & this never ending 'War of the Egos'...I'd prefer intelligence.


I think Australia is in real crisis, and the choices aren't good...time to discuss how confused we all might be instead of the rubbish red vs blue carp.  Let's face it...BOTH SUCK !!!   Should we be focusing more on local MP's and what they have to offer their respective electorates? (irrespective of partisan leanings?)...isn't that what it's about?  REPRESENTATIVE Government?


BTW, this thread isn't an invitation to the spammers & belligerent bp'ers (hopefully we can discuss politics in general, without red vs blue condescension, insult, angst or bp'ing)....??


NON divisive humour is MANDATORY the other kind (i.e. sarcastic & divisive).... is not welcome....both sides are  open game....no holds barred.


It's wacking day, oh wacking day, our hallowed Pollie Head Cracking Day......


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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

Not sure but Clarke and Dawe are fairly good at portraying the true spirit lol

Message 2 of 26
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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

well as my idea is so dead in the water i may as well give up & post on this subject.


the best leader is not always the one who can talk the leg off a chair or sell ice to ekimos,

 leadership is as much about maintaining control of those below you, directing the work & ideas in the right direction and making wise decisions.


i most cases one shpould look beyond what is said How it is said & anilise what was ment rather than how well it was delivered, unfortunatly Australians base most their votes on the personality of the leader rather than the strength of their leadership

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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?


I think Australia is in real crisis, and the choices aren't good...time to discuss how confused we all might be instead of the rubbish red vs blue carp.  Let's face it...BOTH SUCK !!!   Should we be focusing more on local MP's and what they have to offer their respective electorates? (irrespective of partisan leanings?)...isn't that what it's about?  REPRESENTATIVE Government?


BTW, this thread isn't an invitation to the spammers & belligerent bp'ers (hopefully we can discuss politics in general, without red vs blue condescension, insult, angst or bp'ing)....??


NON divisive humour is MANDATORY the other kind (i.e. sarcastic & divisive).... is not welcome....both sides are  open game....no holds barred.


It's wacking day, oh wacking day, our hallowed Pollie Head Cracking Day......



I think it started to change with John Howard and Pauline Hanson.


Something happened that was almost an invitation to be mean to each other.

School kids starting fighting each other over race and reconciliation was tossed onto the back burner. 


Public school funding was diverted to some schools with no need for it...


However, I don't think the country is in a real crisis.  I think we're being fed the line that we are hundreds of times a day to convince us that we are. 


Compared to other countries we've done well and continue to do so. 


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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

im not so sure we are in such a good position as you may beleive, business bankruptsy are increasing job loss are on the rise and every business i talk to are saying that business is rapidly falling off.

Message 5 of 26
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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

im not so sure we are in such a good position as you may beleive, business bankruptsy are increasing job loss are on the rise and every business i talk to are saying that business is rapidly falling off.


Compared to the rest of the world, particularly those countries who chose the austerity road we're doing well.  Yes, some businesses are closing but some businesses are starting.


My job went.  The entire section closed down. It was not the government's fault.  The place was antique and all the money they were pouring into capital works were never going to be enough.  The union/workers didn't help. They whinge about the company but could not get their heads around working together.  When you have managers that come up through the ranks they can't get their heads around either side, often, and no help in the main game.


Around here it's people longing for the past that is the greatest barrier to change for the better.

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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

Where do people like this come from?


What a vile specimen.


Message 7 of 26
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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

It's a horror movie.....

Message 8 of 26
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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

It's Twitter.

Message 9 of 26
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Re: POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?


MENTAL AS ANYTHING isn't it? Spirit Got Lost   



Spirit got lost????


If there is grog missing then I would blame Sir Les


.... we need more speeches like this one 😐





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