on 11-09-2014 01:41 PM
season 13 started tonight!!!!! and I LOVE STERLING,HE ROCKS!!!
i'll talk more about it,if anyone is interested and watching!!!
otherwise,i'll ask the mods to delete,if necessary.:)
or maybe change it to florida pics,since i think i'll be there before i thought i would,lol!
on 15-09-2014 04:30 PM
It's too soon for me to really get a read on anyone yet, but the women seem to be stronger at this point.....although they kinda nose dived in the second service. I don't know why, but it made me sad to see them digging up all those geoduck clams in that one challenge. I think, in part, because Lloyd had read that the oldest one on record was 168 years old!
on 16-09-2014 03:37 AM
you have a great big heart,polly,that's why! 🙂
so,tonight is the finale of MC,let me know when you 2 get to see it,i'll be quiet until then,lol!
on 18-09-2014 04:43 PM
I haven't watched that on TV since 2008....
I have to say the 1st 6 seasons were much better than the last 6. I've continued to watch, but with less enthusiasm.
As for Masterchef, I called the winner early on. Not my favorite series, though I pick up tips, here & there.
SO! How could anyone DARING to walk into one of those kitchens send blackened brussel sprouts to the pass!!!???!!!???
18-09-2014 05:08 PM - edited 18-09-2014 05:09 PM
honestly,i couldn't figure that out! how could anyone do that to brussels sprouts? the vinegar COULDN'T have turned them black like that...
and i'm SERIOUSLY **bleep** that denine went home instead of kalen. denine DID offer help,and was turned down. that's the biggie that peeves me,there's film,and gordon,andie and james should be LISTENING.
denine did communicate,and ask if kalen needed help,and kalen clearly said no. and the they all threw the youngun under the bus.
that's just bad judgement,period.
season 6,danny as winner....that man is INCREDIBLE!!
i started out rootin for the MC winner too,and i'm happy for her,of course. i lo0ved watching her and coop together! 🙂
btw,MC JR start 11/7 ,just a heads up.:)
on 18-09-2014 05:37 PM
"... COULDN'T have turned them black like that..."
Could if you overcooked them!
Blows my mind that the women came out so strong and now have crumbled!
As for Dinine...
Girl wouldn't ( or couldn't ) cook. Coupled with her bad attitude? Recipe for failure ( no pun intended).
on 19-09-2014 12:04 AM
NEEEEED help wif scallops?
on 19-09-2014 03:54 AM
after rewatching,i see your point. her attitude during punishment is probably what screwed her.
what do you want to serve with the scallops,or do you need ideas for a whole meal?
on 19-09-2014 02:36 PM
perhaps we'll need to chat elsewhere on this subject soon. feel free to join me at the park! 🙂
20-09-2014 02:46 PM - edited 20-09-2014 02:47 PM
I thought Elizabeth was going to win because her dishes looked so much better than Courtney's, I thought the octopus appetizer looked amazing. But Lloyd pointed out that she slightly overcooked the octopus, undercooked her lamb and had to save her dessert by using the edges of her cake/bread. So while her dishes looked great and probably tasted great as well, she had a lot of technical issues against her. While the only thing Courtney really messed up on was she ate one of her meringues. lol
I was really impressed with both of them.
on 20-09-2014 02:56 PM
me too,i hope both of them go far! and christian,and daniel,and ahran,and jamie,and even leslie,who i detested for a LONG time!
and of course,mr beloved willie! he NEEDS to own a restaurant as much as the rest do.
or a food truck like christian wants. or anything that gets their food out there ,shows it off,and gets them investors!
we were talking on my other (soap operas,mainly) board,we wish they would do updates on the top 10 for each season now and then,wouldn't that be cool?
does lloyd still need help with scallops? i found a really nice dish,if they're bay scallops?