PR, Advertising, Astroturfing and Propaganda

Environment editor Sandi Keane exposes the shadowy world of PR, where astroturfing and propaganda is used to coerce the public into sacrificing their own interests for those of big corporations.

. Experienced PR practitioners now coerce you through astroturfing and other socially engineered forms of brainwashing to sacrifice your interests for those of their clients – especially those with the biggest war chest – the fossil fuel industry.

Indeed, it was the rise of citizens groups in the US opposing action on global warming that ledGreenpeace to discover that these so-called grassroots uprisings were organised and funded by the fossil fuel lobby.

Public opinion is a precious commodity. It’s what elects governments and governments can deliver profit and power to those whose largesse it enjoys.Americans pay more for healthcare than any other Western nation, but the Hands Off My Healthcare campaign duped credulous Americans into believing Obama’s healthcare reform was a socialist plot. It was funded by “free marketeer” mining billionaires — the Koch Brothers.

Today’s PR supremos are making serious money out of commodifying public opinion, manipulating it and touting it to this ready market. PR spin is gradually replacing old fashioned journalism as the number of mainstream journalists dwindles, according to a 2010 report by the Pew Centre of Journalism.

The onslaught of suasion in the last few years has been unrivalled in tricking or swaying people to do the unthinkable:

To put corporate interests before their own!,3942




Manipulating the mind used to be the weapon of choice of totalitarian regimes. But the last decade has seen an unprecedented rise in corporate funded propaganda in our so-called “beacons of democracy”, USA and Australia.

Modern age PR illusionists, today’s digital age snake oil salesmen, are reeling you in by evermore shameful and unethical means.  They display no regard for possible tragic consequences. The most despicable are the climate skeptic spinmeisters, whose crowning achievement may well be the end of the planet.

Following our last story “Deception is our Product” posted on February 7, Indy Oz has compiled “A Practical Guide to Trickery & Fakery in the Digital Age” to help you sort the shill from the sham and spin from the scam.

In the humbug peddler’s SHAM BAG, you’ll find:


Phony Grassroots Groups or Astroturfers

as well as

Multiple Fake IDs - using Persona Management Software, Avatars, Shills, Sockpuppets, Fake Blogs (Flogs) and Trolls.

Of these, the most effective at manipulating public opinion is the


Phony Grassroots Groups or Astroturfers

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Re: PR, Advertising, Astroturfing and Propaganda


j*oono wrote:

I do wonder whether Sharyl Attkisson was a supporter of Belle Gibson.  I heard about this on the tv.  



Gee then it must be true.  Sorry hint of sarcasm there, I cant find anything that shows Sharyl Attkisson supports Belle Gibson.  Even if she did how does that discredit what she says about astroturfing? 

Message 51 of 55
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Re: PR, Advertising, Astroturfing and Propaganda

Thought this piece may be apt under this topic.


Chief Political Editor resigned because of a conflict of interest  between his employer's advertising objectives and its responsibility to report a true and honest story





Message 52 of 55
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Re: PR, Advertising, Astroturfing and Propaganda

It all boils down to the ability to sift the wheaet from the chaff, that skill is fast becoming a lost skill. It is in the interest of the education system to keep people dumb so that they will swallow anything and everything that is fed to them.


In this day and age it is"we will relieve you of the burden of thinking, just go and enjoy yourselves and we will think for you"


the sad thing is that the vast majority of sheepies fall for it 😞

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 53 of 55
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Re: PR, Advertising, Astroturfing and Propaganda

thought iza had returned for a moment, but no...

just someone bumping a really old thread

Message 54 of 55
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Re: PR, Advertising, Astroturfing and Propaganda

@chuk_77 wrote:

thought iza had returned for a moment, but no...

just someone bumping a really old thread

I quailed at the thought!



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