Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

No terrorist group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. However, an Islamic State militant praised the attack on the French satirical magazine on Wednesday.

"The lions of Islam have avenged our Prophet," Abu Mussab, who fights for IS insurgents in Syria, told Reuters via internet connection. "These are our lions. It's the first drops – more will follow," he said, speaking via an internet connection from Syria. He added that he and his fellow fighters are happy about the incident.

Mussab said he did not know the gunmen who carried out the attack, but added "they are on the path of the emir [IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi]....and our Sheikh Osama (bin Laden)."

Reports suggest that the cartoons portraying Prophet Mohammed published earlier by the satirical paper were the reason for the attack. The gunmen reportedly called out the victims by name, shouting: “We have avenged the prophet."


The religion of peace at it again.

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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@donnashuggy wrote:

Not much coverage of this

Message 311 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

 How tragic.

Message 312 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices


A man who speaks my type of words


"The man who got straight to the point – was the Mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, himself a Muslim. “If you don’t like freedom,” he told the Dutch nation’s potential jihadists, “then pack your bags and leave. There may be a place where you can be yourself, so be honest with yourself, and don’t kill innocent journalists. If you don’t like freedom, then **Bleep** off.” "



Or words to that effect. It seems different media repot it slightly differently but the message is the same.


"Fit in or **Bleep** off"


Message 313 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices


It seems that the French Police / Special forces put 40 bullets into one terrorist.


Not quite good enough to take the record from the (British) SAS (76 or 77 in one body), but dead is dead so a good result.


Message 314 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@aps1080 wrote:


A man who speaks my type of words


"The man who got straight to the point – was the Mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, himself a Muslim. “If you don’t like freedom,” he told the Dutch nation’s potential jihadists, “then pack your bags and leave. There may be a place where you can be yourself, so be honest with yourself, and don’t kill innocent journalists. If you don’t like freedom, then **Bleep** off.” "



Or words to that effect. It seems different media repot it slightly differently but the message is the same.


"Fit in or **Bleep** off"


They are kind of empty words though, given there is more than likely nowhere for them to go.(if he really said it)

Message 315 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

Sanitised version.


Ahmed Aboutaleb, the mayor of Rotterdam, the second-largest city in the Netherlands and one of the largest ports in the world, has told Muslims living in the country to "pack your bag and leave" if they didn't like freedom of speech.


"It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom," he said as he appeared on televisionprogramme Nieuwsuur on Wednesday night. "But if you do not like freedom, in Heaven's name pack your bag and leave." The anger was apparently directed at Charlie Hebdo attackers. 


"There may be a place in the world where you can be yourself," Aboutaleb continued, as reported by Dutch publication NLTimes. "Be honest with yourself and do not go and kill innocent journalists," Aboutaleb, who is a Muslim himself, said.



Message 316 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

 . . . "It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom," . . .


It is comprehensible that the mayor of Rotterdam doesn't understand the religion of Islam, which has nothing to do with freedom but instead, everything to do with submission.

Message 317 of 317
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