Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

No terrorist group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. However, an Islamic State militant praised the attack on the French satirical magazine on Wednesday.

"The lions of Islam have avenged our Prophet," Abu Mussab, who fights for IS insurgents in Syria, told Reuters via internet connection. "These are our lions. It's the first drops – more will follow," he said, speaking via an internet connection from Syria. He added that he and his fellow fighters are happy about the incident.

Mussab said he did not know the gunmen who carried out the attack, but added "they are on the path of the emir [IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi]....and our Sheikh Osama (bin Laden)."

Reports suggest that the cartoons portraying Prophet Mohammed published earlier by the satirical paper were the reason for the attack. The gunmen reportedly called out the victims by name, shouting: “We have avenged the prophet."


The religion of peace at it again.

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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@bluecat*dancing wrote:

Sad for all concerned. The majority of muslims are not terrorists but will be targetted and blamed none the less, oh, and terrorised.




have you already forgotten about

the display of solidarity with muslim

australians during and afther the martin

place siege?







Message 51 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@debra9275 wrote:


It is understood police are looking for two brothers from the Paris region and a third man from the north-eastern city of Reims.

The France Metro newspaper reported the gunmen were identifed as three men aged 18, 32 and 34 - two of whom are brothers born in France


from this article, it seems as if the French authorities already know who they are which is great. I hope they are picked up soon.

Debra, the fact that they know who the assassins are so soon, only means they already knew they were a problem. 

Too soft on miscreants like them. 

Message 52 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

"What a poison religion is.And for those who think their religion is superior,just rememember it was Christians who were responsible for the butchery that was called the Balkans War."

Oh please!!!! how about we keep this about modern day times. So the Balkan wars justifies this for you?? It's 2015 no other religion is acting this way, in this day and age.
Message 53 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

have you already forgotten about

the display of solidarity with muslim

australians during and afther the martin

place siege?






i still don't believe all muslims are evil, nor do I believe all Australians are like Martin Bryant

Message 54 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@katymatey* wrote:

@debra9275 wrote:


It is understood police are looking for two brothers from the Paris region and a third man from the north-eastern city of Reims.

The France Metro newspaper reported the gunmen were identifed as three men aged 18, 32 and 34 - two of whom are brothers born in France


from this article, it seems as if the French authorities already know who they are which is great. I hope they are picked up soon.

Debra, the fact that they know who the assassins are so soon, only means they already knew they were a problem. 

Too soft on miscreants like them. 

not sure Katy... here is more



The police source said one of them had been identified by his identity card which had been left in the getaway car.

Message 55 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

Left identity card in car?  🙂


Smart as well as a fanatical murdering barstool.

Message 56 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

Of course I haven't forgotten.  That doesn't stop the violence of ignorant  bigots, does it?  What's your point?


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 57 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

Someone's let the Grade 3 children out early today.

Message 58 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@icyfroth wrote:

@polksaladallie wrote:

@*julia*2010 wrote:

@azureline** wrote:

@*julia*2010 wrote:

@azureline** wrote:

@daydream**believer wrote:

And at least the French PM has the balls to call it what it is, a terrorist attack

What else would it be called?



a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.


i think ddb is trying to make a point here -

the actions are not being labelled as those

of a "madman".  


and my point is, 3 madmen, called terrorists....................and an act of terrorism..... not exactly a normal reaction to something they don't like?

do you understand why ddb said

at least the french pm had the etc.


i think that is the point that you missed

or maybe didn't understand  Woman Frustrated


You greatly inderestimate the poster's intelligence

I think you totally overestimate your own

Icy, that comment is interpersonal and against the rules, not to mention rude.

Message 59 of 317
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Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

It's most unfortunate that some people of that religion will be tarred with the same brush, as they are not all evil and fanatical that is true.



Message 60 of 317
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