on 09-11-2013 10:18 PM
I guess the mad monk thinks we all have the stereotypical 'memory of a goldfish'....
It is a promise......another to be broken, that parliment will be respectful
Addressing the West Australian Liberal branch at its annual conference on Saturday, Mr Abbott pledged a parliament that "discusses the issues, rather than abuses individuals".
The prime minister said the parliament wouldn't impugn the motives of opponents or trash their reputations.
If anyone tried to go over the top, new Speaker Bronwyn Bishop would sort them out.
"And I am confident that after just a few weeks of the new parliament - that parliament that diminished our policy and embarrassed our citizens over the last three years - will soon seem like just a bad memory," Mr Abbott said.
on 10-11-2013 11:54 AM
@freakiness wrote:
@topsidesoul wrote:I guess the mad monk thinks we all have the stereotypical 'memory of a goldfish'....
It is a promise......another to be broken, that parliment will be respectful
Addressing the West Australian Liberal branch at its annual conference on Saturday, Mr Abbott pledged a parliament that "discusses the issues, rather than abuses individuals".
The prime minister said the parliament wouldn't impugn the motives of opponents or trash their reputations.
If anyone tried to go over the top, new Speaker Bronwyn Bishop would sort them out.
"And I am confident that after just a few weeks of the new parliament - that parliament that diminished our policy and embarrassed our citizens over the last three years - will soon seem like just a bad memory," Mr Abbott said.
Says he who led by example in abusing process and refusing to respect anyone and encouraging the personal attacks.
He must be the one with the memory of the proverbial goldfish.
That was my point and missed by a few.
Any politician who has engaged in this in the past should not be the one to stand up and say 'The the rules of the game have changed and ignore what I and my collegues have done for the last four years'......lets all pretend I am a differet person!
Parliment did not run smootly because of childish behaviour started by one side and partaken by all.
Hypcrisy, Tony is they name.
on 10-11-2013 12:33 PM
on 10-11-2013 12:44 PM
During the week, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop was a star speaker at the Australian Council for International Development conference in Canberra. The two-day event was open to the public, including the media - except for Bishop's speech. It's understood the media was barred at the request of the minister, who is tasked with enforcing the government's $4.5 billion cut to foreign aid over the next four years.
on 10-11-2013 01:26 PM
@just_me_karen wrote:
I hope they don't cancel question time telecasts in the interests of ...well, I dunno what, but for the same reason they hide so many other things. FOI, boats, budget emergencies, for example,
I want to watch Chrissie Paine bust a valve. He's going to, you know.
well there is a precedent from the reign of st paul. he reduced the number of question time appearances to three (if i remember right) personally a week. but he did a lot more than the current crop would be capable of. when he was there he answered questions so well (too well for the opposition of the day) that they were happy to have humiliation time (as they called it) reduced to a minimum.
i'd be looking for something along those lines being used this time to escape scrutiny, so we are likely to see a lot more of apprentice attack dog briggs and some other ranters.
on 10-11-2013 01:57 PM
on 10-11-2013 01:58 PM
the game has been underway for a while now, and the yield so far is lies and failure. its as expected, predicted and guessed.
(with considerable accuracy )
on 10-11-2013 02:11 PM
I guess with nothing worth commenting on coming from the rank and file of the ALP these days, focus must fall on the LEADING and INCUMBENT Government.
on 10-11-2013 02:14 PM
on 10-11-2013 02:19 PM
the difference is, Labor has nothing to counter with.
if you want to stay in the lib/lab groove, that is.
on 10-11-2013 02:55 PM
@topsidesoul wrote:PPTSD?
What type of traumatic stress disorder?
Childish name calling from Monman?
Looks like you will not be able to speak during question time because you seem not to be able to act respectfully.................maybe grow up and deal with what the other half have had to endure for the last four years from a certain wolf`on this site.
Please feel free to contact the admin and report this to silence distent because it was in reply to your own comments that included name calling.
to quote another poster here: