Pauline Hanson To Lead One Nation Again


Pauline Hanson has declared she'll lead the One Nation Party once more, and its first electoral test will come next year when Queenslanders go to the polls.


The party's executive unanimously backed Ms Hanson's return as leader at a meeting a few weeks ago and members are expected to formally endorse her at a meeting on November 29.


The serial candidate has insisted on her name being included once more in the party's brand.


 But she insists the move to rebrand the party as Pauline Hanson's One Nation has nothing to do with ego.

 "I have no ego," she told the Seven Network. "But I think that people relate to me."


 She said she wasn't going to repeat past mistakes and allow people to infiltrate the party and destroy it from within.

 "I'll take total control of it myself," she said.

 "If I don't succeed then it'll be my fault. But no one's going to pull my strings. No one's going to tell me what to say."


 She said the reborn party's first test would come early next year at the Queensland election, and she was also aiming to win a seat in the federal parliament.


Entire Article Here




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Pauline Hanson To Lead One Nation Again


A political furore has erupted over revelations that one of the Howard Government's most senior ministers, Tony Abbott, set up a slush fund to pay for legal challenges to Pauline Hanson and her party, One Nation.

Despite repeated denials back in 1998, Mr Abbott last night acknowledged to the 'Sydney Morning Herald' newspaper he'd raised almost $100,000 in an attempt to fund actions against One Nation.

While he and his colleagues were refusing to make any comment today, the admission is a setback for the Government.

It clearly suggests Mr Abbott did not tell the truth in the affair at the time, and has provoked government fears of a backlash from voters responding angrily to Pauline Hanson's jailing.

Then, today, Mr Abbott's stalking horse, One Nation dissident Terry Sharples, claimed that the PM was also aware of the machinations.

Message 111 of 117
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Pauline Hanson To Lead One Nation Again

Does it feel awful to know that the person you voted for is a dirty little toad?


Tony Abbott embarrassed us with the G20 summit and Bishop claims she has a better idea.

Message 112 of 117
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Pauline Hanson To Lead One Nation Again

@ufo_investigations wrote:

I want Australia to be Australian. One flag under God and ONE LAW for ALL.




No separate foods for religious groups.


No nothing separate!


I just want Australia to be Australian.





So presumably NO ATHEISTS either. what do you propose they do with me, UFO?

Message 113 of 117
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Pauline Hanson To Lead One Nation Again

@j*oono wrote:

Does it feel awful to know that the person you voted for is a dirty little toad?


no because he ousted a cpl of clueless gonzos.


Tony Abbott embarrassed us with the G20 summit and Bishop claims she has a better idea.


Message 114 of 117
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Pauline Hanson To Lead One Nation Again

I don't think the LNP will see her as much of a threat this time around so they won't set about destroying her like they did last time. they have other things to be worried abou now,, like the polls  Woman LOL

Message 115 of 117
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Pauline Hanson To Lead One Nation Again

@ufo_investigations wrote:

I want Australia to be Australian. One flag under God and ONE LAW for ALL.




No separate foods for religious groups.


No nothing separate!


I just want Australia to be Australian.





Australia is Australian. It has been for 113 years and will continue to be.


We eat what we like to eat and we are apartheid.  


Message 116 of 117
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Pauline Hanson To Lead One Nation Again

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

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