
Took some pics of the Crikey K9s in the pool this arvo.


Anyone else got any pics of their pets to share?



Harry (black one) is 5 and a bit and Arthur has just turned 5.






Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 1 of 83
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@jenni200011 wrote:

Yes she is a touch spoilt but boy does she know when things belong to her..She has a routine each day ..Every morning from 9 am  to around midday she sits up the top of her scratch post..when she lays on it she can hardly fit and hangs over the sides..when she jumps on it it rocks around quite a bit ..princess is rather a bit on the large side..occasionally she manages to sit inside the hidey hole ( barely fits through)..Can you believe for her size she eats like a mouse..She eats one tiny can of fancy feast cat food per day and a handful of cat bikkies and thats it

Is that breed of cat known to be larger, or is she just a one off kind of thing?


She dioes seem to have quite a luxurious lifestyle though!


And I saw a quote the other week, might apply to your cat - "I'm not large, I'm just easy to see"


Is she very old? Do cats get menopause like people? maybe she is on the largwer size cos she has menopause - I read that happens to people, so maybe cats? LOL

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 61 of 83
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Princess is a typical persian and most  of them are very big..Thier bone structure much larger  compared to lots of other cat breeds..She isnt old and yes she is very moody but  again that just prone to her breed in general ..Persians are the couch potatoes of the cat world..they tend to sleep at least 20 of the 24 hours in a day..She gives me a little affection in the morning and has a small burst of excitable energy where she actually runs ( every thing tends to shake in the rrom when she does) ..She cant sit on my lap too long as she weighs too much and my legs go numb..One very anoying habit she has is that she likes to wake me up at around 3 am every morning to get her some food..Bad habit and i give in or she gets cranky..she pats my face gently until she wakes me ..if  dont respond she gets the tip of her claws out and digs them in slightly..I have tried locking her out of the room but then she knocks things down off the cuboard..shelf ect and knows i will jump up to stop her..i still love her as she has something about her..Its really funny when she is told off.princess will always have the last say ..She literally chases you and wraps her legs around you and bites..she doesnt back down ..she also hates flies with a passion..If she spots a fly in the room then she is on a mission til she gets it

Message 62 of 83
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100_8679.JPGThis is a normal greeting when i decide to wake her for a few minutes...

Message 63 of 83
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yes she looks beautiful..I got a lovely lilac burmese quite  a few years ago and when she came she was in kitten to a big chinchilla stud..So i experienced my first litter of Burmilla babies..It was interesting as when they were born they all looked like tabbys with stripes..The stripes all faded and they got that gorgous tipped coat ....

Message 64 of 83
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@jenni200011 wrote:

yes she looks beautiful..I got a lovely lilac burmese quite  a few years ago and when she came she was in kitten to a big chinchilla stud..So i experienced my first litter of Burmilla babies..It was interesting as when they were born they all looked like tabbys with stripes..The stripes all faded and they got that gorgous tipped coat ....

They do look just like tabbies! I find that odd - neither Chinchillas or Burmese have stripes, but the cross is born with stripes that fade out .

You can still just see the stripes in Bella's tail and legs.

She is a brown shaded - her full sister from the previous litter was a champion, but the markings on Bella's head were "wrong" so she is a pet only.

Message 65 of 83
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@jenni200011 wrote:

Princess is a typical persian and most  of them are very big..Thier bone structure much larger  compared to lots of other cat breeds..She isnt old and yes she is very moody but  again that just prone to her breed in general ..Persians are the couch potatoes of the cat world..they tend to sleep at least 20 of the 24 hours in a day..She gives me a little affection in the morning and has a small burst of excitable energy where she actually runs ( every thing tends to shake in the rrom when she does) ..She cant sit on my lap too long as she weighs too much and my legs go numb..One very anoying habit she has is that she likes to wake me up at around 3 am every morning to get her some food..Bad habit and i give in or she gets cranky..she pats my face gently until she wakes me ..if  dont respond she gets the tip of her claws out and digs them in slightly..I have tried locking her out of the room but then she knocks things down off the cuboard..shelf ect and knows i will jump up to stop her..i still love her as she has something about her..Its really funny when she is told off.princess will always have the last say ..She literally chases you and wraps her legs around you and bites..she doesnt back down ..she also hates flies with a passion..If she spots a fly in the room then she is on a mission til she gets it

I had a similar problem. Then I bought an automatic food dispenser. Bliss!

Now I only get woken up at 4:30 because she wants to go outside.



Message 66 of 83
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Jack the Dingbat catching carp


jack carp .jpg

Message 67 of 83
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What a clever doggy Jack was skwerl xxx



I've got two cats..


fatcatruby (who is VERY big boned and just a little chubby) she's very well behaved mostly, except when she bought a goanna inside and cornered it it the bathroom but that's another story ! she's 12


and nortibella who is well, VERY norti.  likes chasing snakes and bringing them inside to me ( I don't appreciate this) she's 11




cats 002.JPG




frogs and house 009.JPG


has her cranky pants on because I woke her haha


one of bellas projects


scratched chair 014.JPG

Message 68 of 83
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What hunters they are.   If you have another from the same gene pool, you'll have to call it Diana (goddess of the hunt).


Nice scratching pole.



Message 69 of 83
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My first dog, Jaffa. She was a Belgian Shepherd cross. Got no idea what she was crossed with. A black bear maybe.

She loved swimming, catching fish, and chasing rabbits. She had a huge vocabulary. When she wanted something she would put her paw on my knee and stare at me with her ears at half mast. I would run through a list of possibilities, dinner, walkies, ta-ta's in the car, rabbits etc. When I said the magic word her ears would prick up, letting me know that's what she wanted. She was an amazing dog, one of the smartest I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.








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