Why is it that people seem to be becoming more envious of others? Such a
dislike of others wealth. I can understand not liking a persons
character if they are a braggart etc but to put people down becasue they
have more than you is a waste of time an...
Sooo, for those of you who feel they haven't been getting much attention
lately, sit down, put ya feet up, have a cuppa and tell me all about
Do people really whinge about breaking a nail??? hahaaa! I always
thought it was one of those things said in a joking way.....not
something that a person would really complain about?? Does anyone else
know someone who does this...or do you ?
I can't get over how negative some posters are lately ! It doesn't seem
to matter what the thread is about, some will keep pick, pick picking
until things become negative and sad or upsetting etc. Is it the heat??
or are some people just negative nel...
Good luck dsk ! I'm trying to get rid of some books...have taken heaps
into charity bins, book exchange and friends but still have
heaps......so why did I buy 3 more on Tues ??? hahaa It is hard though
and there are some books that I couldn't get rid...
yep, the vanilla is too strong a flavour but..........my lunch guests
just left and after I told them what happened with the cheesecake, they
still wanted to try it and..........they liked it. I wouldn't
purposefully do it again but it wasn't as bad ...
No !!!! I don't want a FA !! oooh! that's IT....I'll tell them they can
look at the cheesecake (it looks yummy) but becasue I'm such a nice
person I wont give them any so they don't get FA's...brilliant freddie,
No cream..only some sour cream for the pumpkin soup. hmm, could make
creamed rice I suppose but eventhough I could eat a pot of it, others
might'nt like it. last resort I could ask them to bring something but
I'd feel bad doing that.