Playing the Nazi card

Community Member

I have posted to this forum a few times about poor journalism.  Here is another example. 


To put this post in perspective, it appears Glenn Lazarus has referenced the famous Niemoller speech (first they came for the Communists, etc) and exhorted people to speak our against the VLAD laws.  This kind of criticism is silly because, no matter how valid the point (that even vile and reprehensible persons deserve to be protected by the law) it opens up avenues for all kinds of straw man arguments.  Which the Courier Mail has taken advantage of.


But it is not just the straw man arguments I object to.  It is the lack of historical accuracy in the accompanying graphic contrasting the LNP and the Nazis.  Point 1 of the graphic is that Hitler was an unelected dictator. 


Hitler was elected as Reich Chancellor on January 31 1933 and he became the head of state about 6 months latter following the death of President Paul von Hindenburg (at which point the position of Reich Chancellor and President were merged).  He ascension to ultimate power was therefore consistent with the constitution of the Wiemar Republic (which constitution was then changed).  Hitler then went about turning Germany into a one party democracy by criminalising dissenters, specifically the Communists and Social Democrats, the trade unions and those pesky right wing parties, in that order.  This was fairly easy to achieve as he had popular support (everyone else was afraid of the communists, and the bourgeoisie and the peasant class were afraid of the Social Democrats and trade unions).  To facilitate Hitler's aim to turn Germany into a one party "democracy" the Nazis also purged the Judiciary of judges who failed in rule in line with community expectations. 


As for imprisoning "innocent Jews": by modern standards the Jews (and the Communists, Social Democrats and other "state criminals') were innocent.  However, the Nazis passed laws, consistent with their constitution, criminalizing these persons.  So while they were not guilty of any crime we would recognise today, under the Nazi system of justice these persons were guilty of being enemies of the state or even worse, racial enemies. 


The graphic seems to be making the point that the Niemoller reference is inappropriate because the LNP are not Nazis (the proof being that they do not rape, torture or kill innocent citizens).  That is a straw man argument, and a silly one at that .  


Congratulations on the CM for playing the Nazi card.



Clive Palmer party’s Glenn Lazarus compares Campbell Newman’s bikie purge to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

    jason tin
    The Courier-Mail
    March 21, 2014 12:00AM

CLIVE Palmer and the man he’s touting as the next Queensland premier, Alex Douglas, have backed a DVD in which senator-elect Glenn Lazarus compares the Newman Government’s recent tussle with the judiciary to the Holocaust.

The comments from the former NSW State of Origin legend, who was known during his career as The Brick With Eyes, have drawn fire from the Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies, who say the comparison is unjust and inappropriate.

His message is part of a DVD the Palmer United Party hopes Queenslanders will safely keep in their entertainment units until the yet-to-be-announced state election, at which point they will be encouraged to re-watch them.

The DVD – part of a mass mailout – features a smiling Mr Palmer and Dr Douglas shaking hands on the front and reminds viewers on the back to “keep this DVD for the state election”.

“I hope you will keep this DVD until the next state election,” Dr Douglas says in his message.

During Mr Lazarus’ address, he invokes Nazi Germany by referencing Martin Niemoller’s famous quote after saying: “We should not be afraid to speak out if we see threats to our values.”

 “It is reminiscent of another place and time in history,” Mr Lazarus says.

“Where it was said: ‘First they came for the communists, and I did not speak because I was not a communist. Then they came for the socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unions and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me’.”

At-a-glance: the differences between Nazi Germany and Queensland.

At-a-glance: the differences between Nazi Germany and Queensland. Source: CourierMail

Mr Lazarus’ comment – and the apparent parallels it draws between the Newman Government and Nazi Germany – has drawn strong criticism from the Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies.

“The Nazi regime is the epitome of evil and was responsible for the extermination of six million Jewish people and homosexuals and gypsies and any comparison to that in this kind of context just isn’t appropriate,” spokesman Jason Steinberg said.

Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie slammed Mr Lazarus’ remarks.

“For Clive Palmer and his people to make such a comparison is an insult to everyone who lived and died under the Nazis,” Mr Bleijie said.

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Re: Playing the Nazi card

The fact remains the only people arrested so far under these vlad laws are for associating under an unconstitutional newman law.


That's where I believe they are pulling the similarity from and when a government disregards people's basic human rights and the countries constitutional that states all people will be treated equally under the law we are treading into very dangerous territory that reeks of a Nazi state.


If they believe these bikies are guilty of the crimes they claim like organised crime, drugs, extortion and the like, why haven't they investigated, charged and prosecuted them?  


Oh that's right they haven't been able to find any evidence, they only suspect they do all these things, newman seems to believe he is above the laws of this land and seems to have some mental issues, every one should be terrified of crazy men with too much power like heir newman, because if he gets away with his ilegal laws who is he going to come after next.  



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Re: Playing the Nazi card

Community Member

Lazarus the brick?? more like the blockhead.


Clive Palmer is the true enemy of democracy, the fat man that doesn't know what the word "NO" or "self control" means,   the man who bought his daughter a $20 million ocean going yacht for her 21st, good luck on how she's going to turn out.


So he's started his own party that would put  Pauline Hanson's One Nation party as a shining beacon of truth, justice  and social justice


Playing the nazi card or the race card or the bigot card is the last refuge of the ethical bereft, they haven't a moral or ethical bone in their body.


To liken a democratically elected party in a western civilised country with over 100 years of the Westminster system of government to the nazi regime??


These people are abhorrent and take a look at your own motives if you voted for them people.

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