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Que Sera Sera

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?



I wanted to work in a lolly shop :^O

Message 1 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

Deb...seriously I shake my head so much these days, it's a wonder it doesn't fall off. 


e.g. Can't recall a time when this country's wealth and jobs, were being sold off to such a degree, with leaders on BOTH sides, who think keeping profits and JOBS in this country, is 'old hat'. 


The biggest illusion of all therefore, is that we live in democracy.


More like a plutocracy = government by the wealthy -& never more blatantly than it is now....Enter Clive & Gina.......!!!!


Why not just give the place away for a bag of beads (some things never change) and be done with it?  After all, us ungrateful Aussies are rooooning Gina's bottom line while we refuse to take $2 bucks a day.  So what does a LABOR Govt do?  Let them scab labour our jobs to OS workers?  seriously?


One can only conclude that neither Main stream party are focused on the best interests of this country as they race to see who can sell it off quicker, & for as little as possible.  Clever country?  Not for a long time now.


See Deb...what did I tells ya?...I'm no fun when I'm being growed up.....I resign......Again !!!

Message 11 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

oh yay,  another political thread ๐Ÿ˜


Message 12 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

Na...just venting......notice I include all pollies and lament the loss of Australia's future?  Remember us?


I Hate politics these days....see above....doesn't mean I've lost all intellect when it comes to the subject or that we have to whitewash every conversation of the mere mention of the word.  JMO

Message 13 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

Community Member

I wanted to be a veterinary nurse.  For some reason it never occurred to me that I could actually be the vet.


I wasn't either of those.

Message 14 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

Community Member

I just remembered the other thing I always wanted to be.  A checkout operator.  I wasn't one of those either but I do love putting my own shopping through at the self serve checkout ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 15 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

I wanted to do so many things as a kid - i wanted to work in a shop, I wanted to cut peoples hair, I wanted to teach, I wanted to design.


With the exception of a few odd jobs in between, I've done everything on my list.


Now I want to retire and do nothing. :^O

Message 16 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

I wanted to be the president of Australia. 

Message 17 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

Cue, I tried finding a picture of that bloke that keeps chained upside down in the dungeons in Life of Brian, to add to my previous post, and threaten you with a similar fate, LOL, but couldn't find one ๐Ÿ˜›



I wanted to be a school teacher. Not very exciting but that was what I wanted. My father wouldn't let me, reckoned you had to be mad to be a teacher.


When I was younger (late 20's) I regretted not having a tertiary qualification or trade that would allow me to do Volunteers Abroad type work.




Message 18 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

Community Member

but I do love putting my own shopping through at the self serve checkout

 I do too, but only because that way I can guarantee it will be bagged exactly the way I want it :^O


When I was little, I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer (is there a doggie paddle event??) and then later a chef. I wasn't either, but I did work in kitchens for a few years, some great memories of those days, although theyre fading now. ๐Ÿ˜ž



Message 19 of 35
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Que Sera Sera

Cue, I tried finding a picture of that bloke that keeps chained upside down in the dungeons in Life of Brian, to add to my previous post, and threaten you with a similar fate, LOL, but couldn't find one ๐Ÿ˜›



I wanted to be a school teacher. Not very exciting but that was what I wanted. My father wouldn't let me, reckoned you had to be mad to be a teacher.


When I was younger (late 20's) I regretted not having a tertiary qualification or trade that would allow me to do Volunteers Abroad type work.





THere's plenty of work  you could do as a Volunteer Abroad. Sometimes just as a labourer or if you Knew English, you could teach that. You obviously didn't look that much into it. Sure there're some specialized demands but most that volunteer do not work in the tertiary course they qualify for. 

Message 20 of 35
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