on 11-03-2013 09:42 PM
I have already had the child in question at the doctor - TWICE. I am taking her again tomrrow so not after medical advice. I'm just not convinced she's getting the best care and have no experience with "boils" and their treatment so wondering if others do. Child will be 7 in May.
Child appeared to have a mosquito/insect bite on her leg (inner knee area) on Thursday evening. It gradually got larger and larger (but didn't itch). Sunday morning I had decided it defiantly was NOT a mosquito bite so took her to the doctor at lunch time. My GP doesn't work Sunday's so saw someone else ($83.00) at our clinic. Doctor S pretty much implied I was being a paranoid, over reacting mother, despite me pointing out over and over that it wasn't itching and a mosquito bite wouldn't grow that much over 4 days (was over the size of a 50cent piece). She prescribed a steroid cream and said it would be gone by morning.
When I bathed the little one (later than usual) at 7.30 I was horrified to see it was now even bigger and pussy - it looked like a boil! AND there was a 2nd one on her other knee. The GP clinic we go to was closed by the time I got her out of the bath and dressed (8pm) so I went to a late night bulk billing clinic where Doctor R told me it was boils, and she needed antibiotics by mouth and an antibiotic cream!
Then we got home about 9.30pm and she promptly got a blood nose which bled for over half and hour. Nothing to do with the boils, but made it a VERY late night.
But TODAY, she has the 2 boils from Sunday, plus another 4 developing. I would have thought that with the antibiotics she would have not started to develop more of them?
I am taking her to my GP first thing tomorrow (Tuesday morning), because I'm just not convinced she's getting the right treatment?
Any experience?
Should she keep getting boils when she's started her treatment? She is otherwise a very healthy little girl.
I am treating the boils exactly as suggested EXCEPT I can't clean them with an antibacterial wash as my daughter is allergic.
on 11-03-2013 10:15 PM
Hi aspie*mum,
The first thing I need to tell you is to make sure you and your daughter wash your hands after touching the boils.
I googled treating them at home and found quite a few websites - it might be worthwhile having a look on the web where you might find some relief for your daughter before her doctor's appointment.
Good luck and I hope you get some positive help.
on 11-03-2013 10:38 PM
Definitely hygiene is a major factor here, Bactrim and bactroban and cover them to help prevent spread. Bathing in betadine (2capfuls etc) will also help.
on 11-03-2013 10:58 PM
I would suggest you research some medical sites on the Internet, start with:-
cause of boils in children
on 11-03-2013 11:05 PM
You really should have told the doctor about your daughter being allergic to the antibacterial wash if that is what was prescribed... use a saline solution until you can go back to the doctor and get another suggestion or go to the chemist...
One type of boil is an infected hair follicle or gland... others are caused by a staph bug... they need to be cleaned...
If you got home at 9.30pm on Sunday night she has only had 24 hours on the antibiotics, you need between 24 to 48 hours for a real effect to start taking place particularly if it is a staph infection...
If they do not start to clear up you might want to ask for a swab to be taken so that you know they are giving her the right antibiotics.
on 11-03-2013 11:18 PM
To add -
A small boil may burst and drain on its own without any assistance. In some instances, however, draining can be encouraged by application of a cloth soaked in warm sal...tea tree oil and a bandage also promotes healing.
on 11-03-2013 11:19 PM
on 11-03-2013 11:36 PM
Maybe it's the weather but I have 3 boils. 2 on my lower stomach and 1 on my inner thigh. I had no idea what they were. I've been on antibiotics and using a warm compress and wiping them with Betadine. I only use a towel once then wash it in bleach.
Mine have improved and no longer feel tender.
I asked my GP what causes them and he said you can get them when you feel run down.
I hope your daughter feels better soon.
on 12-03-2013 08:28 AM
While building our house ( owner builders) some 26 years ago we all came down with boils:(...doctors couldn't find a reason for it but I have always wondered about the quality of water we were drinking and using being the first to build in the area. The water pipes in that area had been empty until we requested the mains be turned on.
This episode lasted well over a year with my middle child and myself affected most.
I hope your little one recovers quickly.....maybe some extra vitamin intake and vitamin e for healing.
on 12-03-2013 08:46 AM
You can buy this white sticky stuff at the chemist to draw boils out, I cant remember the name of it but it is very good.
You also must run a empty hot wash with a bleach or simular through you washing machine.
I was told this years ago by a doctor.
Germs like to sit in washing machines.
I would ask you doctor to do a blood test on your daughter.
Keep the boil covered.