on 29-07-2013 11:33 PM
ACA or one of those shows had a segment on people who rent reaching a point of no long being able to afford the increasing rental prices and ending up homeless.
They were not refering to "down and out" people but regular folk who had been cruising along renting nicely but then perhaps lost their jobs and could not afford to pay the rent on their homes anymore and having to either move in with family or live in their cars.
The bloke they interviewed (from some housing assoc) was saying that people who have rented all their lives and then hit retirement are suddenly realising that their super is not going to last very long while they are still paying $300 or more a week in rent and once their super is gone the age pension sure as hell wont cover it.
So what happens to people who do rent when they reach retirement? Are we going to be looking at a growing group of homeless elderly people?
on 04-08-2013 06:20 PM
@witches*wol wrote:We are doing all we can to envourage our boys to stay living at home with us and to buy a property and rent it out while they live with us. (They are both still at high school so it is a few years off yet) but I really don't want to see them out renting. It really is dead money, although it definately has it's place - hubby and I rented when we first left home. But if at all possible I think the young ones should stay home and take the opportunity to get a property of their own.
Carl ~ I can relate to your point about not getting to retirement. I seriously doubt I will see retirement age and to be honest so far my retirement plan is suicide! I have sweet fanny adams in Super having not worked in a "real job" for 18 years. We do almost own our house, while that will give us a roof over our heads it wont pay the bills so I figure we will check out where we are in the nest 25 years and if things haven't improved I'll just drop off the perch.
I have a friend who works in aged care, doing the paperwork for people going into nursing homes. With the massive increase in bonds and weekly fees that people are being faced with, she was telling me the suicide rate among these people is increasing daily. Once they realise they can't afford to pay for care they end their lives - bloody sad isn't it?
and to think we are the lucky country
perhaps if they caused a little more inconvenience like walking out on the freeway in peak hour they may get a little bit more attention.
Bank robery would get them free board and meals.
on 04-08-2013 06:54 PM
Well Hawke you know it has been said before that the elderly would be better off in Prison cause we treat prisoners better than we treat pensioners!
on 04-08-2013 07:08 PM
I have heard of homeless people doing things when its very cold to get locked up for the night to have a warm bed and Mcdonalds while in the cells over night
on 04-08-2013 07:08 PM
on 04-08-2013 07:10 PM
It wasnt my suggestion, I only point out it was a way of making people aware of their plite, rather then gdoing it quietly so no one notices or cares.
on 04-08-2013 07:22 PM