on 06-10-2013 10:44 AM
Did Scott Morrison say that tow-backs were never part of the Coalitions Asylum Seeker Policy ?
and is that the truth or a lie ?
06-10-2013 03:26 PM - edited 06-10-2013 03:29 PM
They did add 'when it was safe to do so'. Which was never explained - that is, under what circumstances it would be safe to do so.
Not every boat, but when it was safe to do so, the boat would be towed back.
Turnbull -
”He said that the government would only take this course of action “where it is safe to do so” and admitted that the co-operation of the Indonesian government would be important in order to ensure the safety of those on board the suspected people smuggling vessels.
They never did get the co-operation, support of the Indonesian govt for the tow back the boats iplan before the election did they?
on 06-10-2013 04:57 PM
It doesn't look as though Scott Morrison is telling the truth that the Coalition NEVER had a Policy of towing back the boats
nor as Scott Morrison claims that it was a media misrepresentaion over a long period of time
nor those same claims by Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop
On the ABC’s 7.30 tonight McRae said several times the Coalition had a “tow back” policy.
Tony Abbott explained, the Coalition never had a policy to “tow back” boats - a highly dangerous maonouvre:
He said reporting of some of the Coalition’s policies had been overblown - scotching suggestions the Coalition had ever intended to tow back asylum-seeker boats to Indonesia. “Our policy, which we have repeated until we are blue in the face, is that we reserve the right to turn boats around where it’s safe to do so. There is a lot of difference between turning boats around in Australian waters and the Australian na...
“There is just a world of difference and, if I may say so, there has been a tendency of people to put to other people what is not the Coalition’s policy in an attempt to, I think, generate a headline rather than constructively address this issue.
on 06-10-2013 05:35 PM
Morrison said the Coalition had “never had a policy of towing boats back to Indonesia” and blamed “misrepresentation over a long period of time” in the media for that impression.
this was a lie sprouted by the left wing campaigners... the Coalition never said they would tow back boats to Indonesia... never...
You can't do that... once out of our waters we have no say in what happens to the boats. We can turn back any boat that does not have permission to be in our waters. We often turn back boats that come into our waters to fish.. their catch is taken from what I understand and they are sent packing. We have every right to do that.
I have never heard the Coalition say that they will go into international waters, or into Indonesian waters, to tow a boat back to Indonesian ports... that is a total Furphy.
06-10-2013 06:20 PM - edited 06-10-2013 06:22 PM
Hi Catmad, I think that a number of people who look into 'the slogans' would know what can and can't be done
Opposition Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison, who has been involved in what he describes as wide-ranging discussions on asylum seekers, will not reveal the Indonesian leaders' reactions to the Coalition's policy of towing boats back to Indonesia.
EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: Just a short time ago I was joined from the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, by the Opposition's immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison.
Scott Morrison, thanks for being there.
EMMA ALBERICI: How did the Foreign Minister react when you told him you'd be towing boats back to his shores?
SCOTT MORRISON: Well, unlike how the Government handles these issues, who I think are in no position to lecture the Coalition on how we should be conducting a relationship with Indonesia or on border protection matters for that instance, I'm not going to go into the private details of those discussions.
SCOTT MORRISON: I mean, that is not something that I think's appropriate. Well because I think it's very important that we build a relationship of trust and a relationship where we can have the sort of conversations that are necessary.
EMMA ALBERICI: Would it be fair to say that the Indonesian government did not react kindly to the idea of having boats towed back to their shores?
SCOTT MORRISON: Well I think it'd be very unfair for you to draw any implications or make any commentary on the nature of these discussions, Emma, because the media weren't part of those discussions. I mean, I've been part of these discussions, as has Julie.
EMMA ALBERICI: Can you tell us: do you have an agreement from the Indonesian Government that they will facilitate a tow-[back policy, that they will actually take those asylum seekers back?
SCOTT MORRISON: Well, again, Emma, I'm not going into the private discussions that I have had and that the leader has had.
(footage available in link)
on 06-10-2013 06:30 PM
EMMA ALBERICI: How did the Foreign Minister react when you told him you'd be towing boats back to his shores?
Well this about sums it all up... can you please show me where any Coalition person and said that exact phrase that the Coalition will be towing boats back to Indonesian shores???
Sometimes she is a birlliant reporter and sometimes she is totally the opposite.
And what is the point of that information you have given us there??
Where did Scott Morrission say that we would be towing anything back to Indonesian shores???
You have questioned if he lied so can you show me proof that he has considering you seem to be suggesting he has???
Or am I just totally lost and have no idea what you are trying to say.... again???
on 06-10-2013 06:39 PM
and how was he ...did he say 'boat tow backs' are not part of our Policy..that is media misrepresentation ?
No.No denial...Deliberately misleading and vague non answers and now he wants to call it media misrepresentation ? ha ha
Do you know that we were also told that the Howard Gov policies would be in place ?
Tow backs were part of that
on 06-10-2013 07:33 PM
lol.. they will tow them back to international waters.. not to bloody Indonesia...
on 06-10-2013 07:58 PM
Wouldn't Indonesia's shores be the land along their waters edge ?
06-10-2013 08:42 PM - edited 06-10-2013 08:45 PM
As posted above:
The Coalition is defying Indonesia on asylum policy, with Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop insisting it was unbowed in its determination to tow boats back towards Indonesia, despite that country's objections.
Sept 27
The minutes of the New York meeting reveal once again the Australian government’s strong preference for keeping the issue of towing boats back to Indonesia out of the public eye.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/julie-bishop-private-meeting-details-published-by-indonesias-...
on 06-10-2013 08:43 PM
Yes.. that is right. that is what a shore is.. I can only find people like Emma Alberici that used that phrase and not a Coalition policy that says that..
Can you please give me a link where a Coalition policy states that we wil take them back to Indonesian shores?