on 13-05-2013 02:19 PM
Is anyone watching this. It is the best entertainment :^O.
Has the perfect cast, horses, colourful racing identities, the owner of a house of colourful reputation (don't think I am allowed to call it what it is), a jockey with a lot of previous suspensions, a retired footballer having memory troubles. Most of them suffering from selective amnesia. What more could you want. Hollywood could not dream up this lot.:-x
on 13-05-2013 02:28 PM
Yes 😄
What's the latest? Singo should buy Gai a great big bunch of roses.
on 13-05-2013 02:41 PM
The footballer reckons the owner was drunk, the owner says he is misunderstood, the footballer says that he also had, had too much to drink and that he doesn't understand where the owner heard him say that he embellished the facts.
He doesn't know what the word means.
The jockeys solicitor is put out that he is not allowed to speak as he would like to "sink his fangs in someones throat".
They have just come back from lunch.
Pure Sydney.
on 13-05-2013 02:46 PM
Aussie royalty.
on 13-05-2013 03:05 PM
I feel a little disillusioned about all this. I really admire Gai Waterhouse, not because of her horse racing (can't stand animal cruelty in any form), but because she stood up against legal men and had our laws changed so that wives are not held responsible for their husband's crimes. She has also succeeded in a "man's" world, against the odds. Excuse the bad pun.
i was a total fan of Andrew Johns :_|
i don't know the dodgy jockey and I can't stand that sloshed singo,, but the other two I admire a lot and I don't want them to be naughty :^O
on 13-05-2013 03:20 PM
Totally agree with your thoughts on Gai. She must be wondering what she has done to deserve this. If I were her I would be having strong thoughts on throttling someone.]:)
on 13-05-2013 04:08 PM
on 13-05-2013 04:10 PM
John Singleton has been charged with displaying conduct prejudicial to the image or the conduct of racing
- and he has pleaded guilty.
He says his behaviour at the All Aged Stakes was a "combination of factors", culminating in his anger at the rumours his horse was unfit to race and that others had known about it when he didn't.
He said his conduct that day was "inappropriate and regretful".
on 13-05-2013 04:11 PM
She also got charged with failing to keep vet notes. She says not guilty.
on 13-05-2013 04:26 PM
The Son has let Mummy carry the can - classy!