Reasons to be cheerful

Water bottle with stoopid new skinny lid leaked all thru the fridge. Just very glad it wasnt juice!

Crisper finally got a clean out

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Reasons to be cheerful

2 weeks ago I had a brand new 750mL bottle of Morning Fresh dump 90% of its contents in the cupboard under my sink. I'd noticed something on the floor and thought Mr Tippy had dropped the bottle of caramel syrup on the floor (I've got ugly brown kitchen carpet, so it didn't show what had really spilt, it just showed as being gooey and sticky). I cleaned it up as best I could, with the intention of blasting Mr Tippy when he got home from work.


It was only that night when I went to do the dishes that I realised what was really on the kitchen floor. It was EVERYWHERE!!! Thankfully, I had actually cleaned all my cupboards out a few months ago, otherwise it would have been a disaster (they hadn't been done for a few years and there was all manner of junk accumulated under there, not to mention stuff that had spilt and not cleaned up, like the ajax).


The end result was I lost a packet of cleaning cloths that must have had a split in them (they were old anyway, so I wasn't worried) and a pair of washing up gloves. My house is old and the floor isn't level and I established that the cupboards lean backwards a bit. It had run right down the back of the shelves and probably ran under the cupboards too, which I couldn't get to.


I am very grateful that I had cleaned my cupboards out! It also makes me cheerful that each time I open the cupboard now, I get a waft of lemon. I am disappointed that I hadn't noticed the small hole in the bottle of Morning Fresh when I bought it. It happened after the first time I used it, so opening it and squeezing it may have dislodged a plug that was in the hole because it certainly didn't appear to have leaked when I bought it.

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Reasons to be cheerful

Don't know if you read my exploding champagne bottle story...never ever not ever chill champagne in freezer for a few minutes and forget about until the morning.


I want to stress here...I didn't put it in the freezer. I wouldn't have forgotten about it.


I had a nice surprise the next morning opening the freezer door when the cork shot past me, and the freezer was full of semi-frozen champagne sorbet.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 3 of 40
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Reasons to be cheerful

I'm very happy that the mouse family that were trying to sub-let our downstairs seem to enjoy the taste of Ratsac.  They are gobbling it up.

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Reasons to be cheerful

I hate ratsack. Only because they crawl into the walls to die and stink the house out. I've recently had a mouse issue. At least if I trap them using the snap traps, I know they're going in the bin and not in the wall somewhere! Thankfully, I think I beat them. I haven't caught one for 2 weeks (as opposed to 2 or 3 a night for a couple of months).

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Reasons to be cheerful

Under the floorboards is an experience. Especially in 45 degree weather. Hundreds of flies swarm through...


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 6 of 40
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Reasons to be cheerful

Grand children left half a large bottle of Fanta in my fridge, sat there for about 3 weeks so i thought I would throw it out, went to empty it down the sink and the whole thing explode in the kitchen.

Up the walls all over the Blind, Floor Fridge, dish washer, running down all the cupboards and running into draws.


All over me even had orange hair.

I wanted just to sit down and cry in my Fanta Flood, I thought DONT lose it.


So I striped off my cloths put a old Nightie on and got stuck in.

Took me 2 hours them I had to get in the shower and wash my orange hair.


The next day I could still see Fanta spots on things, cleaned it all again.


Told the Grand Kids NEVER ever bring Fanta into my house again

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Reasons to be cheerful

Stop it!!     lmao smiley.gif       My socks will never dry


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Reasons to be cheerful

Mine are all wet too! That story is far worse than my Morning Fresh debacle. At least I didn't have sticky everywhere through the cupboards.

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Reasons to be cheerful

that story is a lot like when i'm sitting in the comfy chair watching tv, got my large glass of diet coke on the table next to me and mr foo (the greyhound) appears and decides to do his happy dance and his extra long tail swings around, hits the glass, sending it all over me, the chair, the floor and the walls.


the glass of course breaks and ive got no shoes on!


and he gives me the big sad eyes look (sorry couldnt help it)

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