Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

Reclaim Australia protesters held their largest rally yet on Saturday in Canberra kicking of a wave of Anti-Islam demonstrations in cities across the world.


Canberra organiser Daniel Evans labelled it "preservation of Australia Day" and at the podium congratulated 250 "fellow patriots" for making the journey to the capital.


Saturday's protest was the first in a series of global rallies against the Islamisation of the West co-ordinated by German anti-immigration movement the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA).  

As the crowd marched up Federation Mall and flooded onto a Parliament House Lawn, split in two by barricades, a dubbed version of John Lennon's track Imagine came over the PA featuring the lyrics "Imagine there's no Islam".

Born and bred ACT resident and father of three Mr Evans said the position of Reclaim Australia was broadly misunderstood by the greater community. 


"We are a multi-ethnic country but we have one culture, Australian culture," he said.

"I'm not against Muslims. I'm against the ideology of Islam. We have extremists here preaching hate. These are the ones we need to get rid of." 


Arabella McKenzie, dressed as a Suffragette complete with parasol, said she felt compelled to "roll out of her grave" and protest with Reclaim to stand up for women's rights.

"Women's right to vote was nothing compared with what women are facing today in Sharia run countries," she said.

"A lot of people say "what culture in Australia are we defending?" but there is a culture here where woman can be free, have rights and are considered equal human beings. That's a good culture to preserve." 

Entire Article Here

Message 1 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

"The crowd marched up Federation Mall and flooded onto a Parliament House Lawn"  All 250 of them Smiley LOL

i imagine we will be seeing more

of what is happening in europe..

with over 65 thousand facebook

followers and growing...

maybe not so funny. Smiley Indifferent

Message 11 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

@***super_nova*** wrote:

They do not get it, do they.  Muslims are not trying to convert anybody to Islam!  That is totally the domain of Christian missioners.


They don't want to convert non believers,(doesn't their holy book say to kill them instead?).Who knows.gif


Correct me if i am wrong, but through the history, was there ever another religion that had recruiters going to other countries gathering souls?

 Didn't Islam originally conquer others and it was convert or die,(does that count?), Who knows.gif




Message 12 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

Message 13 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

@go-tazz wrote:

 Didn't Islam originally conquer others and it was convert or die,(does that count?), Who knows.gif




I thought that was the crusaders who did that ?


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 14 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

Dare I insert the word "Inquisition" into the argument?

Message 15 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

super nova should read up on

early muslim conquests 

Message 16 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

@***super_nova*** wrote:

@go-tazz wrote:

 Didn't Islam originally conquer others and it was convert or die,(does that count?), Who knows.gif




I thought that was the crusaders who did that ?

that was later

Message 17 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Dare I insert the word "Inquisition" into the argument?

to argue against muslim conquests?


to state the obvious ie christians did that



or for what other purpose?

Message 18 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Dare I insert the word "Inquisition" into the argument?

i wonder why these topics often

turn into a competition?


they were as bad as each other

(but who started it?)





Message 19 of 35
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Re: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns Out Counter Protesters

dont you just love the smiley 

codes in links?   Smiley LOLSmiley Tongue

Message 20 of 35
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