Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving


Leaders of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect in north London have said children who are driven to school by their mothers will be turned away at the school gates.


Rabbis from the marginal Hasidic sect Belz have told women in Stamford Hill who drive that they go against “the traditional rules of modesty in our camp”.


In a letter sent to parents last week, seen by the Jewish Chronicle, they say there has been an increase in the number of mothers driving their children to school and add that this has led to “great resentment among parents of pupils of our [Hasidic] institutions”.


The letter says the ban, to come into force in the summer, is based on the recommendations of Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, the Belzer spiritual leader in Israel.


It says that if a mother has no other choice but to drive her child to school – for medical reasons, for example – she should “submit a request to the special committee to this effect and the committee shall consider her request”.


The move has been met with some disagreement within the Orthodox community.


Dina Brawer, the UK ambassador of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, said: “What this is really about is the curtailing of women’s freedom of movement rendering them dependent on men. It’s an issue of power and control not one of religious sensibility.


The Belz, who originated in Ukraine in the early 18th century and established their headquarters in Israel after the second world war, are one of the most prominent Hasidic sects.


Entire Article Here


Sheesh. These ppl are still living in medieval customs, even though Israel has Hi-tech nuclear weapons. That's scary.

Message 1 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

Shades of Saudi Arabia etc .... the mind boggles!!

Message 2 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

" Dina Brawer, the UK ambassador of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, said: “What this is really about is the curtailing of women’s freedom of movement rendering them dependent on men. It’s an issue of power and control..."

Isn't that what all religions are about?
Message 3 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

"Isn't that what all religions are about?"


Couldn't agree with you more myoclon.

Message 4 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

What this is really about is the curtailing of women’s freedom of movement rendering them dependent on men. It’s an issue of power and control..."



"Isn't that what all religions are about?"


Couldn't agree with you more myoclon.





have you heard the saying -

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing?



what do these women have in common?









i'll give you a clue -

they're all strong, independent women

and they are religious   Smiley Wink




Message 5 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

If I was one of these driving mothers I'd tell them to stick it and continue to take the kids to school by car.


And when they object I'd take the matter to court.


Who do these people think they are?  This is another ridiculous rule typical of stupid men in authority who presumably feel threatened in some way.  Utterly ludicrous.

Message 6 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

I've also heard the saying that a lot of experience and knowledge that comes with it becomes an excellent safety zone.


In my opinion I (and experience), some women may be strong and independent, but religion is not dependent on that , Women can be just as productive as leaders etc without it.  Religion is the weakest link ....  Smiley Happy



Message 7 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

In my opinion I (and experience), some women may be strong and independent, but religion is not dependent on that , Women can be just as productive as leaders etc without it.  Religion is the weakest link .... 



i didn't say women cannot be productive

as leaders without religion. 



you agreed with a generalization which

is clearly wrong since many, many women

say their faith is what empowered them

to be strong leaders. 

Message 8 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

While many women say their faith is what empowers them, I'm sure they believe what they say for themselves is just that, a personal thing that they believe and are entitled to do so.


I don't speak for others, they can believe what they like of course.  If that works for them, fine, but that doesn't make it factual for anyone else.


i didn't say women cannot be productive

as leaders without religion. 


Neither did I ....  Smiley Happy


When the leadership of churches can and do tell women in particular what to do, how and when to do it, and what they can and cannot do though, and they obey that, it tells me just how weak and perverse, biased and ridiculous such religious systems are.


I don't agree with "generalisations" in what is being discussed here: clearly, there is room for demonstrable examples.


Listening to the Commission regarding the abuse of children from the various religions is revealing, and certainly one in particular, makes me feel sick and distressed.  The lies, the contradictions, the sheer and horrific evidence coming forward now (out of the mouths of the so called priests and leaders) is enough to make me hope that there will come a time when "religions" are shut down forever.


If there is a God that has "made man in his image", what a dismal universal failure.  What a farce.





Message 9 of 61
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Religious Sect Tells Mothers To Stop Driving

can we get back on topic now?


the op is about a small religious

group - a  sect called the belz. 


comparing it to mainstream religions

shows lack of understanding. 



What this is really about is the curtailing of women’s freedom of movement rendering them dependent on men. It’s an issue of power and control..."



"Isn't that what all religions are about?"



no  -  and that is not an opinion.

its a fact.




a little knowledge is a dangerous thing

and ignorance breeds intolerance.






Message 10 of 61
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