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Remember my cat problem?

Well I re -decorated my room, stunning... 4 layers of paint(floor) and two clear coats so about 6 in all, new carpets new everything.  A week or so into my new room and guess what the lil bu**er does? Pees and poops in exactly the same place.  By now I am thinking this cat better be sick or else its going outside permanently (not that I could do it really).  So off to the vets and nearly 300 later she's depressed and suffering anxiety.  Came home with pills, anti anxiety collar and anything else we thought might help....  The vet tells me she has a good memory... I feel comforted NOT lol


I have a feeling she will be living a lot of her life in an enclosure with limited time inside, she done thousands of dollars damage... still its not her fault...  Oh and did I say I now need new carpet *sigh*

Message 1 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

Nope nothing works it stinks but thank you anyway Lion ๐Ÿ™‚   I have cut off the bad part, and given the clean part to the dog for his bed.  But I am going to buy a black light and try some urine off when it happens in the future.  Has anyone tried this before or had sucess with another brand?


Message 11 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

Hi bella-again,


We had a cat that just peed literally everywhere even though she was tray trained.  We had to persevere with the Urine Off (we found it really good) for months but eventually after ripping up the carpet, cleaning thoroughly, repainting the room and the floor before laying down carpet tiles, eventually, did I say after months, stopped her from peeing on the walls and floor.


The black light will help you immensley but perserverence is very important. Cami was so stressed she used to almost live on my shoulder and would not tolerate visitors to the house. She is not tolerant of our other cat because when Eddie comes inside she hisses at her every time.  Cami does not go outside, she is too timid.


I bought a packet of catnip and spread it light on the carpet and let her eat it and roll in it. We found that helped her. When she gets 'upset' we just throw the catnip parcel I made at her and she calms down really quickly.


Another thing we did was to put small bowls of water and food down where she peed, after we had cleaned the area, and found that after a while, she stopped going to that spot.


Good luck with your fur baby, it is worth it in the long run.


Gentle pats and belly tickles to your cat.





Message 12 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

Thanks Esseco We did all of that but we can not repaint every room in the house. It is a nightmare, as we speak she has now pooped and wee ed in the lounge. We have no idea what to do, the room we did repaint with layers of paint and vanish made no difference what so ever... I can't make her an outside cat as there is a highway out the front of my house but I can't keep living like this ๐Ÿ˜ž
Message 13 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

My cat rolled in Catnip then ran over and bit me on the ankle, no more catnip for her.


Bella you need the Cat man Jason Galaxy

Message 14 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

As awful as it sounds maybe its time for puddy to go over the rainbow bridge?

Message 15 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

I hear you happyroo but my girls wouldn't cope with that idea.  I'm wondering if she could be suffering early dementia, I mean she sits and stares at the wall all day, she loves people but seems to have lost her marbles.  Except at 11 that is too young.  OH is putting up an outside enclosure, she will live out the back of the house and come in for cuddles.


We will watch her closely to see if she deteriorates and what happens with her behaviour.

Message 16 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

Did the vet check her for a urinary tract infection?  If cats even get things like that but a uti certainly causes weird behaviour in people.


Speaking of cats.... look at the ingenius bunks I found on facebook


Message 17 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

Yes Glee she had blood tests for everything under the sun!!

Message 18 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

Love the cats lol!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ If only it was that easy!

Message 19 of 33
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Re: Remember my cat problem?

how frustrating for you all.  

Message 20 of 33
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