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Remove roadside trees.

Community Member

Another two young kids die by hitting a roadside tree:


Isn't it about time that roadside trees are removed?


The amount of times I've heard people dying by hitting a roadside tree is ludicrous.


This is one simple thing to reduce the road toll,(the added benifit is that they could sell them for firewood).


Travelling from Katamatite to Shepparton is a nightmare as you are always looking at branches that overhang


the road and when it rains you watch the dead trees in case they topple,(that's apart from the big roadside


trees that will kill anyone that hits them).


Someone will die because of those trees,(most are Gum trees and one given with Gum trees is that sooner


or later they will drop their branches).


Report them and you get a thank you and that's it.


Nothing gets done until a branch or a tree falls and then it's just cleaned up,(once it's cleaned up there is no


sign that it ever happened),stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif





Message 1 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

Community Member

Wow, chop down the trees,? what about "global warming"? We need to plant more trees.


Excessive speed and inexperience kills, trees don't kill. What a strange subject anyway.

Message 21 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

@icyfroth wrote:

Leave the trees alone.


Most motor vehicle accidents occur through excessive speed/alcohol/drugs/fatigue/inattention or a combination thereof.


Why chop down the innocent trees?

Country roads are completely different from city roads and they have all sorts of added dangers.


So in your opinion it's fine if people die because they hit a tree that's about 2 metres from the road edge


or hit a brach that's fallen on the road,(they are preventable accidents).


I just can't believe that people hold human life in such low regard that they believe that a tree is more


important than a human life,(you can always plant more trees away from the road but you can never replace


that human life),shok.gif


@punch*drunk wrote:

I dunno, would it really make enough difference to the road toll to be worthwhile? We lose quite a lot of kids (p platers) on the roads up here, 4 teenagers in one accident a few months back 😞 But honestly, if people continue to drive too fast they will find something to plough into eventually. Clearer roads will only make them go faster IMO, and increase the chances that its another car they hit, especially up here in the forest.


There are some that are purely accidents but I know up here in the hills the majority of them are speeding.


It's those accidents that I'm on about,(if a driver is impaired in some way and it's self inflicted then they are at


fault and shoulder the blame).


But if a driver has to go off the road to avoid a crash,an on coming car,an animal or a branch why should


they die because they then crash into a tree that's too close to the road,(how many fatalities are recorded


as hitting a tree but were actually caused by avoiding animals but not recorded as such because the


animal wasn't killed).


And honestly, it would take about 100 years to chop down enough trees up here to make a difference. It would make some pretty good fire breaks though.


A double win,(they could remove the trees that are within 2 metres of the road first).


Up here a number of accidents happen because of a severe lack of passing lanes so drivers try to pass


slow moving traffic at the wrong time,(it's worst during harvest season).


My mum was killed when the car she was a passenger in hit a tree. It was a perfectly straight stretch of the Hume freeway with just one little cluster of trees and everywhere else was clear. The driver was a learner, not speeding just inexperience, panic and bad luck.








Message 22 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

Community Member


Message 23 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

@djilukjilly wrote:

Wow, chop down the trees,? what about "global warming"? We need to plant more trees.


Excessive speed and inexperience kills, trees don't kill. What a strange subject anyway.

Plant new ones closer to the fence where they can stop a driver,(not kill them).


They can find a suitable tree "barier" that can slow a car.


As explained,there are lots of other reasons why people die by hitting trees that are to close to the road or


by hitting branches and it's only strange if you have no idea of the dangers country drivers face each day,shok.gif

Message 24 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

Community Member

I grew up in the country and never hit a tree, why? because I took responsibility for myself and my passengers.

Message 25 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

Interestingly - a few years ago - Uni friend of DD - Vet Science - driving home from feeding her horse - Mum had lunch waiting.


Wet road - hit a tree - bad - oh so bad.


Helicopter - flown to Sydney - ICU.


Upshot being - had the tree not been there she would have ended up in a quarry filled with old farm machinery & water - RIP.


Though the tree did a hell of a heap of damage - it actually saved her life.


No Vet Science - though.


But another couple of degrees at Uni.

Message 26 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

@djilukjilly wrote:

I grew up in the country and never hit a tree, why? because I took responsibility for myself and my passengers.

Good for you,(lucky as well off course because obviously you haven't had to avoid animals or had branches


fall in front of you car whilst you were doing 100Kms along tree lined roads),good.gif

Message 27 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

@cmcoins2000 wrote:

Interestingly - a few years ago - Uni friend of DD - Vet Science - driving home from feeding her horse - Mum had lunch waiting.


Wet road - hit a tree - bad - oh so bad.


Helicopter - flown to Sydney - ICU.


Upshot being - had the tree not been there she would have ended up in a quarry filled with old farm machinery & water - RIP.


Though the tree did a hell of a heap of damage - it actually saved her life.


No Vet Science - though.


But another couple of degrees at Uni.

Very lucky indeed,(the odds would probably be around the 1 or 2 % of people surviving after hitting


roadside trees at 100 Kms),

Message 28 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

Stupid drivers are more of an issue than trees.


If it's not trees they hit it's something else...other cars, power poles, roadside barriers, fencing, sides of houses.....and so it goes on.


Many years ago I lived in a suburb where one summer evening a driver hit a stop sign.  He hit it so hard the car burst into flames and the paint on the sign was burnt right off.  Because of the car fire, a wooden power pole nearby was also soon in flames....and at the top of that pole there happened to be an electrical substation.  It too caught fire and suddenly light bulbs were exploding in suburban houses....including ours.  Glass was everywhere.  Even the globe in the fridge shattered.  Then the power went out.  Chaos reigned as it wasn't safe to walk around the house to find candles or torches because of the glass.  People from the electricity authority came round to assess the damage and (eventually) restore power.


Trees that are a danger (dropping branches, because of they are at the end of their life etc) are one thing, getting rid of trees because of stupid drivers is something else.

Message 29 of 65
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Re: Remove roadside trees.

A lot of teenage drivers should try easing their foot off the floorboards. I live on a one way street, and they roar down it, baseball caps reversed, in their souped up cars with the go-faster stripes, at 60/70 miles per hour. It's more by good luck than good management that there hasn't been a fatal accident. One side of the street is a banked wooded area. I'm terrified one of these boy racers are going to career off the road and do immeasureable damage to a tree. We have petitioned for speed bumps but so far the council have cocked a deaf 'un. When there eventually is a fatality - which is inevitable at some point - then they may condescend to comply. The link below is an from an American site, but I'm sure it's applicable the world over.

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