Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

Hi all,

Previous owners of my house had pets that urinated all over unsealed floor boards in my bedroom (yuck!) I managed to get rid of most of the smell except when its damp it all comes back.  Now my cat has taken to urinating on the carpet which has soaked through to the floor boards. Short of ripping them up which is becoming more and more tempting, does anyone have ideas on what I could try?


So far I have tried bleach, washing powder, bicarb and vinegar, using citronella after to stop puss going back there but its to no avail.  It stinks.  I am considering ripping up the carpet completely and painting the boards with enamel then placing more flooring on top (rug). The only other option is Urine off but going by the reviews its not always successful and a lot to fork out to find out it won't work.


Any ideas are appreciated 🙂

Message 1 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

Hi Bella:)


What about straight white king and hot water and give it a good scrub.....def would take up the carpet use the bleach and see how you go.  The other thing would be to ask a vet they would get that problem all the time maybe they know something:)

Message 11 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

@joz*garage wrote:

step one....get rid of the cat! it' trying to establish it's territory from the previous smells



yeah, rip up the carpet 



You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 12 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

Yes creative OH was talking about using cement sheeting before tiling (I hate carpet) but really I am thinking that the smell would still need to go.  I wish I could manage to completly replace the floor boards Happy but atm its not in the budget and this is a renovators nightmare as it is *sigh*



Message 13 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

Hi JV,

Nothing medically wrong with her, its just anxiety. I am thinking of getting her some rescue remedy.  It started again after my beloved cat of 13 years died and I have also recently fostered another cat.  She will settle down again.  Also happens if I have little kids stay with me.  I am thinking of building an outside enclosure for her now so that during times of high stress she can have some time out.


Other than that she goes happily in the litter box, little monkey! 🙂





Message 14 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

This link might help as a preparation before recovering
Message 15 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

Bella....seems like a lot of work involved in trying to remove the impregnated smell if the deep sanding is involved (machine?).  


if OH is considering cement sheet flooring over the wooden floor and then tiling.........  That is expensive.


How about considering, removing the wooden flooring completely; replace with suitable particle board flooring and laying vinyl flooring.



Message 16 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

@bella_again wrote:

LOL Joz I've had her almost 10 years couldn't do that, she usually only pulls this trick when her routine is interrupted, it's not all the time thankfully.  Carpet is def going no two ways about that, I need to eliminate the smell and then take measures so that if it happens again it can be easily cleaned.  Biggest problem is the the last owner, the floorboards are literally covered in pee. Totally gross...

was the last owner incontinent? 

Message 17 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

Get a washing powder with enzymes (available from most supermarkets); Biozet or Napisan (check that it has enzymes, these are what will eat the bacteria causing the smell and only a few washing powders have enzymes these days).


Mix up with lukewarm water into a paste and brush all over the floorboards. Leave it to dry and vacuum/sweep up. 


You may need to do this several times, but the enzymes should do their work and hopefully take the smell away. Much cheaper than replacing the floor.

Message 18 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

LOL Rabbit I did word that well didn't I ha ha ha!  No their pets were, incontinent that is.


Thank you every one for your suggestions! Much appreciated I have some bio zet and nappy san so will also try that. Thankyou Lloyd (sp?) I will price that up as an option as well.  Have appreciated everyone's help, wish me luck 🙂

Message 19 of 49
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Removing cat urine smell from floor boards?

I recommend Nilodor from the supermarket or the is magic for removing all smells.

Just dont put it directly on the floorboards as it will leave an oily stain that is almost impossible to remove.

Message 20 of 49
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