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Renters are worse off than Rent Seekers due to Mining Boom


.....we didn't just spend the boom windfall on cars and household gadgets.

It drove a 20 per cent lift in food purchases and an 8 per cent boost in purchases of communications services, such as internet and telephone use......


Renters have not fared so well out of the boom because it led to a substantial reduction in vacancy rates and a sharp rise in rents.

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Renters are worse off than Rent Seekers due to Mining Boom

@paintsew007 wrote:

to nero


I am not proposing socialism at all. Exaggerated, unrealistic, scaremongering and extreme IMO.


dont think I ever said you were....  


But maybe some on here do and maybe some are card carrying members of the socialist party... 


You never know ๐Ÿ™‚



Message 21 of 26
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Renters are worse off than Rent Seekers due to Mining Boom

@boris1gary wrote:

barnet is only looking after himself, we are supposed to be a nation, not a fiefdom broken up into states looking after only their own - abbott wants to dismantle the federation - i would prefer to get rid of the state governments and have regional councils. It's all swings and roundabouts anyway, when WA wasn't doing so well it was quite happy to take money from other states. Let's stop the dividing and leave the state against state rubbish to the football. 

So true. For so many years WA relied on the supprot of other states. now they can make it on their own they want to shaft the rest and forget about the past. We are one country and the libs are not elected to drive wedges between states and groups of people. It looks like that's about all they are capable of  though.

Message 22 of 26
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Renters are worse off than Rent Seekers due to Mining Boom

Check your history then you would know WA has always had a high secessionist movement
Message 23 of 26
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Renters are worse off than Rent Seekers due to Mining Boom

@kilroy_is_here wrote:
Check your history then you would know WA has always had a high secessionist movement

Check the posts then and you'll see I did not mention or respond to anything about secessionist movement.

Message 24 of 26
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Renters are worse off than Rent Seekers due to Mining Boom


Secessionism has been a recurring feature of Western Australia's political landscape since shortly after European settlement in 1829. The idea of self governance or secession has often been discussed through local newspaper articles and editorials and on a number of occasions has surfaced as very public events including a State referendum in 1933. Organised groups have been established to agitate when the timing has been to their advantage.


An argument in favour of secession is based on the assumption a Federal government in Canberra will favour the business and popular interests of the larger population centres. A common complaint is that Western Australia is a forgotten or Cinderella State, which contributes more to federal funds than it gets back, and is discriminated against by the more populous states.





WA premier Colin Barnett was forced to distance himself from calls for the state to secede due to angst over the mining tax..........


A state could only be prevented from pursuing this option if the Commonwealth was prepared to use the military to force the seceding state to remain in the federation against its will.


The scenario of the Commonwealth invading a state seems preposterous, although cannot be entirely dismissed.


In the end, the legalities of dissolving the federation are nothing compared to the logistics of an Australian state opting for full independence.........

Message 25 of 26
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Renters are worse off than Rent Seekers due to Mining Boom

Not suggesting either you or I are supporters or anti....just posting some excerpts from article tis all k&j     ๐Ÿ™‚



Just imagine how 'rich' WA and QLD would each be compared to other States......yet both States get so much bullying from Canberra at times........


Also the rural and semi-rural constituents of each State would be so much better off too. I personally don't like the rent seeking based State Govt - Libs with Barnett at the helm that have been self-serving our State profits for too long already.

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