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Budgie nestiing box advice needed.

G'day. I need some advice about nesting boxes because I'm getting conflicting information from different people in town. I'm a member of my towns' Men's Shed & I was elected to make budgie nesting boxes that we sell, along with other items we make, a...

Cliff Richard arrested !

Officers tasked with investigating 73-year-old pop icon Sir Cliff Richard have removed several ‘inappropriate images’ during a house raid in Berkshire on Thursday, Thames Valley Police have revealed. It’s been reported that over fifty prospective ima...

Australian parents raising a generation of spoilt brats

A prominent Australian psychologist has warned Australia is currently raising a generation of spoilt brats, because their parents are "**bleep**" and "never say no". Dr Michael Carr-Gregg believes today's parents have a lot to answer for, and there m...

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Resolved! Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP..... ....only among those aged 65+ still clearly favour the L-NP (54.5%) cf. ALP (45.5%)Silly old bug gers women: ALP 58% well ahead of the L-NP 42% on a two-party preferred basis men: AL...

Can anybody tell me how to delete items in my saved searches its full and I can't add a search??

Can anybody tell me how to delete items in my saved searches, its full and I can't add a search?? It will allow me to start or stop receiveing emails but not to completely delete from list. It used to be easy just click on an item in my list and dele...

Our "Low Security Childcare Centres"

So according to the UnAustralian the detention camps for children are just Low Security Childcare Centres So really they are Childcare Centres, with a little low security. So would we allow Aussie kids in them? Alarmingly, according to the government...

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Resolved! Watermelon clothing

Hi ladies and gents, this is probably a topic more for the ladies, but gents feel free (if you are interested) to contribute I'm looking for a watermelon outfit. Preferably a two piece outfit like a short dress/long top to wear over pants or a long f...

Look Who Shops At Oppies!

As an add-on to Hammahorror's Oppie thread. I though it worth a thread of it's own: First family loves an op shop bargain, PM's wife Margie Abbott reveals It's amazing what you can pick up at the op shop - and you might even bump into the prime minis...

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Pyne is two-faced ref Student costs

I want to see him wearing all synthetic clothing for his next University much are kidneys worth on the open market now? "I always find it amusing when a representative from a generation that received free or cheap university lambasts y...

Resolved! Print sales up for Murdoch, down for the rest

Sucks to be the left leaning papers, down and down and down and almost out, while Murdoch is up and up and up Rupert Murdoch just strengthened his wicked dominance in print media - by offering Australians newspapers they prefer to buy over the Fairfa...

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