on โ12-10-2014 07:42 PM
I live in a little flat that is attached to another property which is lived in by my landlord's son. I have my own yard and driveway separate from him. He has been coming onto my property and taking my bin to fill up with his rubbish. When I need to put my rubbish in it, I have to go looking for it (and sometimes can't find it) and he doesn't always leave me any room in it. Is he allowed to do this?
on โ12-10-2014 07:47 PM
Whose your estate agent, do you have a lease, give them a ring. Doesn't sound right.
on โ12-10-2014 07:53 PM
I am through Ray White Real Estate (NSW) and I am on a month to month lease. I just find it frustrating as I feel he is invading my privacy by coming onto my property. I have never had to make a complaint in my renting history before but will call the real estate so they can have a word with him.
on โ12-10-2014 08:00 PM
on โ12-10-2014 08:02 PM
on โ12-10-2014 08:05 PM
on โ12-10-2014 08:06 PM
I have my set of bins and he has his, completely separate. It seems he is doing a clear out and runs out of room in his. He has been doing it every Sunday for a while. My bins were originally stored along my driveway but I decided to move them onto my property, up next to my flat (as a bit of a hint that I was not happy with him taking it). He came into my yard today and got it anyway.
โ12-10-2014 08:09 PM - edited โ12-10-2014 08:11 PM
on โ12-10-2014 08:13 PM
say to him outright
Hey, dont mind you using my bin but please leav it where it is and leave me some
room for my rubbosh...ta mate
on โ12-10-2014 08:19 PM
That's what I thought AM, that he is taking advantage. I am a very reasonable person but he never asked if he could use the bin and now that he is entering my property to get it, I am quite frustrated. Definitely going to call my real estate tomorrow to have a chat to my property manager. I feel a bit violated really. I put up with enough from he and his family as it is.