Renting Question....

I live in a little flat that is attached to another property which is lived in by my landlord's son. I have my own yard and driveway separate from him. He has been coming onto my property and taking my bin to fill up with his rubbish. When I need to put my rubbish in it, I have to go looking for it (and sometimes can't find it) and he doesn't always leave me any room in it. Is he allowed to do this?

Message 1 of 27
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Renting Question....

Whose your estate agent, do you have a lease, give them a ring. Doesn't sound right.

Message 2 of 27
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Renting Question....

I am through Ray White Real Estate (NSW) and I am on a month to month lease. I just find it frustrating as I feel he is invading my privacy by coming onto my property. I have never had to make a complaint in my renting history before but will call the real estate so they can have a word with him.

Message 3 of 27
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Renting Question....

Would the property have 2 bins allocated to it from the council? Can't see why the Ll son should need to touch yours if they have one of their own.

You should have your own bin anyway, for your own use. LL son ahouldn't be entering the yard you rent either.

Good idea to speak with the property officer who deals with your place.
Message 4 of 27
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Renting Question....

Is he approachable to ask to leave room in the bin ?.

Do you have much rubbish at the end if the week ?. I know it is not ideal but if it is a small amount could you put it in a neighbours bin to avoid asking him ?

Is another bin from the council a possibility ? I know my council offers an extra bin at a reasonable cost.


Message 5 of 27
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Renting Question....

Contact your local tenants union/organisation.
Message 6 of 27
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Renting Question....

I have my set of bins and he has his, completely separate. It seems he is doing a clear out and runs out of room in his. He has been doing it every Sunday for a while. My bins were originally stored along my driveway but I decided to move them onto my property, up next to my flat (as a bit of a hint that I was not happy with him taking it). He came into my yard today and got it anyway.

Message 7 of 27
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Renting Question....

He is taking advantage of being the 'landlords son' which is not on. Contacting the real estate office you rent from would be the best place to start.

You don't have to share a bin when you are renting, even if you don't full it up every week. Apart from that I get what you are saying about him entering your space to get the bin.
Message 8 of 27
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Renting Question....

say to him outright


Hey, dont mind you using my bin but please leav it where it is and leave me some

room for my rubbosh...ta mate

Message 9 of 27
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Renting Question....

That's what I thought AM, that he is taking advantage. I am a very reasonable person but he never asked if he could use the bin and now that he is entering my property to get it, I am quite frustrated. Definitely going to call my real estate tomorrow to have a chat to my property manager. I feel a bit violated really. I put up with enough from he and his family as it is.


Message 10 of 27
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