Round Table Revisited

And so Lord of the String said unto the peoples, "Go forth anew. Seek a land you can call your own."

The people saw it was good.

So, on the last day the people said their solemn goodbyes and began the long journey to the promised new land.

And so began the new land and its people were joyous!

Welcome, to the Return of the Round Table known as...

"Round Table Revisited" (RTR)
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Nice and cool here too.....................yay!


They are doing heaps of road works near us..............gawd it is making it hard to get out and about of a morning........never sure which way I am going to have to go each day.............we have 18 months of it.


Sad to hear about Jon English passing.............I loved him in Against the Wind............another one gone too soon.

Message 26601 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

morning Flashie- I intend to enjoy it while I can  I think it's going to heat up again tomorrow


sad news about Jon English I liked "Against the Wind " too, Sigrid Thornton was perfect for that role att too



we haven't seen those cats again- I wonder where they've gone?


haven't seen her at the library again either, we thought it was funny that she followed us home for something to eat

Message 26602 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Finally I get to say good afternoon ladies Smiley Happy



It has been a hectic couple of weeks with office functions, heavy duty meetings, catamaran races, a couple of concerts and heaps more!  Freo definitely is the place to be even on those really hot days - the Docker is always very welcome.


The really hot weather here has eased off thankfully - suspect we sent it eastward Smiley Embarassed


Hope you have all been well .... sorry I have had so little time to catch up with you.  This is not the way retirement should be Smiley Sad


Took the afternoon off to do some things in town and the rest of the afternoon is mine.


Work again tomorrow and then the weekend off so will be diligent in catching up .................


Under a month now until I wing my way east so trying to do an hour in twenty minutes every day until then.


Some might say the bad penny always turns up but I couldn't possibly comment Smiley LOL 

Message 26603 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

morning Laney


darn! I missed you yesterday. I guessed you were busy with work etc.


thanks for the heat btw Woman LOL


we have a little bit of respite from that atm

Message 26604 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

A three day weekend.............yay!!!!


Not that I had a busy week this has gone from being crazy nothing much at all.


I decided to watch Against the Wind again ...........after Jon English dying...........but my dvd player is I had to go and buy another one.


So I am going to try again tonight.


Pepper is still with sign of trouble after falling out of her cage last weekend.


Our youngest son wants to get an Indian Ringneck Parrot for his birthday...................they live for 25 odd years.............I have a funny feeling that if he gets one it might be living here long after he has moved out.


I seem to recall going through this with our eldest daughter and Maggie.................she wanted this cat..........even though at the time we already have five cats.......................we got Maggie...............she moved out 12 months later.....................Maggie left 18 years later..............Cat LOL

Message 26605 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

morning all Smiley Happy


five cats Flashie?? I have enough trouble with two.. the most I've ever had is three. There are restrictions on how many you can have in my suburb

Message 26606 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Good morning Ladies Smiley Happy


Enjoy your three day weekend Flashie.  It has been a hectic time for you recently - will be good to give your back some respite too.


Hopefully those kitties have found a home where someone is as kind to them as you were Deb.


Two day weekend here for us and a beautiful dawn dawned.  Forecast to be around 30ish today but we will be pretty much by the water so no problem really.


Lots happening here - we have the chilli festival here this weekend ....... hot stuff!  Heading to the beach for a quick swim and then to the festival


Tonight we are going to a Pigram Brothers concert - love their laid back music style and it is a free concert down by the river so looking forward to that.


Crab Festival down in Mandurah next weekend ....... it's a happening place here in the wonderful west lol


Hope you both have good days ..........



Message 26607 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Afternoon ladies


Still very humid here but at least the sun isn`t out ceiling fans are on and doing the job okay so no need for the air conditioner.Well Maya had a sleep over last night,tossed a bit as she was hot..I had to visit you know where, got back to bed and here she was sitting up wide awake wanting to know where I went(thought I was quiet getting up and about)wouldn`t go by herself so of course I had to watch her.....went back to sleep for a couple of hours and then started asking me if it was light yet..finally got up at 6.45am & I think she will be early to bed tonight..We did 3 garage sales she scored well,some nice necklaces,some Peter Rabbit figurines and a nice scooter..all for the grand total of $18.she didn`t want to go home as she wanted to do more but I had

Eva is 7 weeks old today and this is a currect pic..lots of smiles now and she is starting to use her hands to touch things..


Message 26608 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

what a big , beautiful smile Eva has Nic.


How lovely that Maya enjoys going to garage sales with you, she's going to be a girl that likes a bargain.  A bit of a restless sleeper, but it sounds like she went better than the first time, it might still be just sleeping in a different place- maybe she's just a bit over excited having a sleep-over?



Laney, what a nice life you have, no wonder we don't see much of you in here these days

Message 26609 of 29,787
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Glad to know Round Table is still here, somewhat!

I loved sparring with other eBayers on the original Round Table link many years ago....

Message 26610 of 29,787
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