Round Table Revisited

And so Lord of the String said unto the peoples, "Go forth anew. Seek a land you can call your own."

The people saw it was good.

So, on the last day the people said their solemn goodbyes and began the long journey to the promised new land.

And so began the new land and its people were joyous!

Welcome, to the Return of the Round Table known as...

"Round Table Revisited" (RTR)
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Good morning Stringers 🙂 

it was quiet in here last night, Hawk. I was busy playing with a demanding dog and/or puppy. Apparently night time is when it likes to play with its noisy squeaky toys... repeatedly ... and for ages aargh!

Message 101 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

morning all 🙂

the shop had sold out of what we went to buy last night, so we might try another store today, not that we really need a new vacuum cleaner, but 50% off a Miele vac is a pretty good buy

Message 102 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Hubby is pleased................we just went and spent our Christmas Meat Club.

As I am not bothered too much about meat I let him pick what we bought.

So he is happily stacking the freezer with all the steak....lamb.....and bacon.

My few chicken kebabs are in there somewhere.

We buy the Christmas Meat Club for our daughters they spent theirs as well this morning.

Sadly it all fit in one trolley.............a small one at that.

Message 103 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Good morning Stringsters 🙂

Do people come to resemble their cats as some resemble their dogs?

Boy it has been a busy morning. It seems lots of folk are spending their Christmas Gift money on a favourite hobby....I am not complaining. 🙂


What is a 'meat club' Flashie?


Our vac is due for an overhaul. I believe Dyson replace worn parts and hoses so we will go with that option as the motor still works extremely well.


No texting in this household. I ignore texts that come on my phone because that would mean I would have to learn how to access it and I can't be bothered.


Everytime I learnt how to use my phone, someone gave me a new one for Christmas etc. and I got tired of reading instructions. 


OH will phone to reply to a text on his phone but he doesn't text either.


I don't care if we are falling behind in technology, pick up the darn phone and dial my number if you want to discuss something with me!


Sorry about your bike Hawk. I hope you get it up and running quickly.


Waves to the MIAs


Message 104 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

The meat club sounds like a good idea, Flashie. 

Prim, yes it's true that pets and their owners can develop similar traits, but it's also common to buy a pet that resembles a person's object of obsession. So, I understand the ears, but am surprised a rare Hungarian Greased Howler monkey wasn't selected :^O

Message 105 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

They are probably not allowed in some countries??? 🙂

Message 106 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Budget cuts to Customs means all kinds of critters can cross the border :_|

even rare Hungarian Greased Howler monkeys and Cheaters masquerading as lions lol... And various other trappable vermin 😄

the dog and/ or puppy house has run out of coffee, so I'd better scoot to the shop

Message 107 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

I hate txts with a passion, by the time you reply to confirm something and then they reply again with only half the information over a 20 minute period that would have been done with less than a 1 minute ph call and at less cost I really don't see the point in using txts

Orrr Karen puppies are just like children, they get the most energy when you are the most tired

Deb I have heard the Miele vac is good, I picked up a Dyson from hardly normals a while back, I was sold on one aftyer seeing one a friend had and how well it worked after so muck abuse it was given.

Flashie you will be eating meat for ages, we had a barbie at mates shop for lunch yesterday and he has just got a Weber Q, I have never used one before 😮

I went down and got some marinated steak and pork spare ribs and a couple of onions

The onions were a challenge to cook as it has a grill and not a hot plate so used some ali foil ]:) It all came out fantastic and we are doing it again next week B-)


Message 108 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Prim as I said I was very impressed with the Dyson the one we have got is the same as friends DC-29 and since another friend has bought the same unit after seeing ours.

I believe they are really good for supplying parts in many cases for free.

The bike will be OK eventually the only downer is they cant look  at it till the 7th so I will miss a ride on the 6th, it will be the second ride I have missed with that club, the first looked like it was going to rain so didn't go, as it turns out they had a great day and I missed out :_|

There are 3 clubs I want to ride with to see which one I like the best and fit in with, last weeks mob were very easy to get along with and very friendly, they treat each other as brothers and sisters and all one big family, just a little younger than me. That usually isn't an issue for me any way as I have a number of younger friends and its never an issue.


Message 109 of 29,664
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Re: Round Table Revisited

And Good afternoon

Been out to the field this morning and it was perfect conditions, sadly one plane didn't come home in the same condition as it arrived, some glue and time it will fly again so no biggie 

Message 110 of 29,664
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