Round Table Revisited

And so Lord of the String said unto the peoples, "Go forth anew. Seek a land you can call your own."

The people saw it was good.

So, on the last day the people said their solemn goodbyes and began the long journey to the promised new land.

And so began the new land and its people were joyous!

Welcome, to the Return of the Round Table known as...

"Round Table Revisited" (RTR)
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Round Table Revisited

*Wraps a cloak of invisibility around Freddie (just for now)*


Don't worry  Freddie - you will be safe here Smiley Very Happy


Some lovely heavy rain today - not the really bad wind which was predicted although they are still forecasting it later tonight.


Didn't read about your screws Freddie (prison related thanks mods lol) but admit your hall carpet did get some attention Smiley Wink


As you know Freddie I don't post elsewhere but pepe is doing a great job and 'miss morning sunrise' is a classic!  Love reading her parodies - so accurate Smiley Happy


~~~~~ waves~~~~~

Message 27951 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

We have the dreaded puffy ankles saga happening now


I don't have the heart to post a WARNING Woman LOL


I would be in fear of her taking out Funeral Insurance. Woman LOL




Common causes of foot, leg, and ankle swelling. ... Being overweight:


Excess body mass can decrease blood circulation, causing fluid to build up


in the feet, legs, and ankles. Standing or sitting for long periods: When the


muscles are inactive, they can't pump body fluids back up toward the heart.

Message 27952 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

Funeral Insurance?  I would have thought a 'contract' or a 'bone pointing' might be more likely Smiley LOL

Message 27953 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

Morning girls.


One of Frank's symptoms of his heart problems were swollen ankles and shortness of breath.  The heart not pumping the fluid out properly incl the lungs ie mild heart failure.


Sunny days here in paradise!!  Think you've got the same freddie.  It's been a very dry winter though.


Trying to get my sugar levels down laney.  7.6 this morning - getting there but needs to be a bit lower first thing of a morning.  


Looks like you're in for another grand final Deb - if Frank's Bombers don't get in (and I doubt it), I will go for the tigers.


Enjoy your days girls.



Message 27954 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

Good morning Girls Smiley Happy


I see sun out this morning - slept in so got to head out before it disappears.


Will catch up with you later in the day when my chores are complete


Be good!

Message 27955 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

@mtnlane wrote:

Catching up on the 'news' around the traps and having a good laugh Smiley LOL


Some lovely humour around ........


Also saw this lovely clip of a duck being followed by 76 ducklings ..... so very cute but what a brood to have to look after Smiley Surprised

awww Laney


I love that!


she must be a good mum

Message 27956 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

Sad news: a small community in the Ferguson Valley of WA ws severely impacted by a flash flood over the weekend when a local stream burst its banks. Rescue and reconstruction efforts are continuing as I write.

Message 27957 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

Oh TGSE I remember when Eoin Cameron donated a couple of gnomes to the 'family' - sure hope they were not lost in the deluge.


Oh Sandy - you are doing so well getting your sugar down.  Wish I was as disciplined as you ..... I am a bit of an ostrich Smiley Embarassed


Given the stress you have been under these past months - the whole relocation, Frank's heart problems, your fall, the house build etc - your stress levels MUST impact on your general health.  It is difficult to avoid those living stresses though ........ your annual country music concerts, being with your best friend and also spending some time seeing your daughter will relieve a lot of that I expect.


We are supporting the Tigers too Sandy .... the Dockers are *cough cough* rebuilding Smiley Tongue


Chores all done, shopping, returning library books .... riveting stuff.


***Removed Freddie's cloak of invisibility now so that I can see her***


~~~~~ to you all

Message 27958 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

Laney I got busy today and by the time I looked at the clock


it was too late for our walkies - so tomorrow I will be forced


to do the big walk. I always wondered if stress aided in my


BC because the past few years prior it was constent. Now


that the knee is playing nice I feel the best i've felt in a long 


time. I've had 3 scammer calls today I let them go through


to the answering machine and they hang up - so what happens


just now a call from a silent number - the scammers use obscure


phone numbers which come up on the caller ID I have a couple of


friends who call with silent numbers - so silly me picked up the phone


they asked for Mr F using my name so I played their game and faked


deafness so they hung up - so now I can't answer private number calls


as well. I probably missed out on a deal of a lifetime Woman LOL

Message 27959 of 29,667
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Round Table Revisited

Hiya Freddie (I can see you now)


No matter what the medicos say I do believe that stress is the cause of so much sickness - that they have no definitive proof does not mean it is not so.


Scammer calls even come through on our silent home line - we just let calls go through to the answering machine and they soon hang up.


Have had a few calls recently on my mobile from numbers I do not know - they soon hang up if mobile is not answered in 3 or 4 rings. They keep ringing back at various times though. On checking the numbers I have found they are from energy companies so they are now identified in my contacts so I am not left wondering lol.


Thought I had finished all my paperwork then something else reared its ugly head.  Requires in-depth research and reply so it is off to complete that so I do not have the Sword of Damocles hanging over my head.  If 'boring' was in my lexicon I would say it was boring stuff Smiley LOL


Freddie you are such a funny monkey Smiley Very Happy


~~~~~Waves to the builders/demolishers/butchers/bakers and candlestick makers~~~~~



Message 27960 of 29,667
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