Rudd wants top UN job :(

Community Member



"I am not seeking the top UN he denied I am not undermining Gillard, I am happy as foreign minister , I have no intention of challenging for PM again"  and on and on and on.


The ego has landed, the madman in charge of the world, world domination, look at me, see how clever I am, please forget I called the whole Chinese nation something to do with rats and I promise I won't meddle in everything, no really, I promise.


Does anybody seriously believe he went quietly into the good night? no, he's been furiously trying to elevate himself on the world stage again, why? because he feels, in his mind, he is all powerful, more clever than everybody and he really deserves to be in charge of the world.


His own former Party hates him but I wonder how long it will take to install him in the Pantheon of Labor heroes if he gets the UN role? Shorten will suddenly be his best mate and agree with everything he says, even if he doesn't hear it.


Of course he denies it, that's what he does.



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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

So if Kevin Rudd doesn't deserve a UN position, who iyo does? Think about it. Why do any of the people employed by the UN derserve a position as "Ultimate world rulers"  (even though they mostly ignore the countries who are in violation of international law)

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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

he quit federal politics to spend more time with his family.resulting in a costly by-election


now he wants a UN job, didn't know they could work from home

Message 3 of 33
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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

I'd hardly call him a madman, and really it's his own business what he does now


wasn't it Rudd who won Australia the seat on the UN security council back in 2012?? though it was heavily ridiculed at the time by the opposition, they  are now trying to secure a seat again. a bit hypocritical really

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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

Community Member

The UN is a joke and should be disbanded. They are a total waste of money and anybody who disagrees with that should look back to the massacres in Rwanda.


The UN, after years had passed, admitted that Rwanda should have been handled better, handled better??? tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people who were murdered whilst the UN troops stood by, Medicines San Frontiers  doctors pleaded and begged for help on television, I'll never forget that, to stop the killing., begged on behalf of over 100 thousand people for help, the UN ignored them and these people were massacred right in front of their eyes, they had to flee for their lives.


Let Rudd get the top job, let his madness reign,  then after a few years have passed by maybe they'll have admit they got that wrong too.

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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

We paid heavily for that seat, billions of aid dollars redirected to countries who would vote for us., billions given away willy nilly by Rudd and Gillard couldn't rein him in.


It's tainted and I couldn't care less that we had a "temporary" seat there or not.


Why was it a temporary seat?? to get more billions from other countries to buy that position.


The UN and the IOC are corrupt to the core and I can't believe why we pander to them, pay them billions for a temporary seat or bid.


This is all deep  European corruption, just like EU  carbon credit fiasco, whom Labor wanted us to give them billions too.

Message 6 of 33
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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

he's only doing it to get up your nose Idlewhile. I bet he sits there all day reading your comments here and thinking up ways to annoy you.

Message 7 of 33
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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

Well, write to the abbott govt. and tell them your views, because they are definitely trying to secure that UN Security Council seat again. Though they called it wasteful back in 2012, it appears they've changed their minds and now see value in it
Message 8 of 33
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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

I empathise with you to a degree IW as I still remember the genocide that was Srebrenica.  Here during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina the city was declared a UN safe haven. In awful reality it became a unsafe haven.



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Re: Rudd wants top UN job :(

And currently Gaza is not getting the help it needs
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