on โ26-06-2013 07:16 PM
on โ27-06-2013 06:37 PM
no you didn't hit a nerve. i dont think the schoolkids bonus is means tested is it ? maybe it is and i come in under. i had a letter from the government telling me i get it anyway .
I don't now but you appear to be a wealth of information so you tell me.
on โ27-06-2013 06:41 PM
I don't now but you appear to be a wealth of information so you tell me.
not on details like that, if it doesn't interest me much i don't pay that much attention. i probably know more about who is responsible for it than i do about the details at this end.
on โ27-06-2013 06:45 PM
Not everyone gets family allowance, we raised 5 of ours without being entitled to it. No allowances, no bonuses...... at one stage we got travel allowance.