Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

Community Member

If vanishing sea ice was evidence of global warming, what does increasing ice mean? Can’t wait to hear the scaremongers explain this away:

ANTARCTIC sea ice has expanded to record levels for April, increasing by more than 110,000sq km a day last month to nine million square kilometres.



The National Snow and Ice Data Centre said .... “This exceeds the past record for the satellite era by about 320,000sq km, which was set in April 2008,...”


Increased ice cover in Antarctic continues to be at odds with falling Arctic ice levels, where the summer melt has again pushed levels well below the average extent for 1981-2010… [But] the April Arctic minimum was 270,000sq km higher than the record April low, which occurred in 2007.

Together, that leaves us with above-average sea ice:


Sea Ice Page


Global Sea Ice Reference Page: Arctic and Antarctic current graphs and imagery


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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

Message 21 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

What has the PM's living arrangements got to do with sea ice growing/ climate change?

"The Alarmists are out in force.Poor Tony Abbott...the Corporations who befriended him and helped him become PM expect the carbon and mining tax to be gone by now."
Did they? Or not until at least July?
Message 22 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

I'll ignore your off topic question then shall I ?

Message 23 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

why are the 'deniers' delusional and the alarmists are not ?
Message 24 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

I guess that the science pool which is normally coloured and or nutty,  is now empty!


Most politicians have very little grasp of climate science, why not quote our CSIRO, BOM, NASA etc?




Message 25 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

If we make a global effort to stop pumping CO2 into the atmosphere, and yet it turns out the ALARMISTS got it wrong, our children, or children's children,  will still end up living in a clean and healthy  world.


If we simply go on our merry way and continue pumping increasing quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, and  it turns out the DENIERS got it wrong, then our children or our children's children may turn out to be the last generation of homo sapiens ever  to inhabit this world.


I have grandchildren, and I know which scenario I prefer.



Message 26 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

@ashjoma wrote:
why are the 'deniers' delusional and the alarmists are not ?

.....the Alarmists are

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 27 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

And Al Gore said the Arctic would be Ice free by 2013....... giggle.......

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 28 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

10 year old statements by film makers are not relevant

Message 29 of 135
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Sea ice grows. What do alarmists say now?

roy said creationism makes more sense Smiley LOL

Message 30 of 135
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