Selling Aussie Air to China

China's breathtaking appetite for all things  Australian - iron ore, real estate and baby formula - has gone sky high.

Now Chinese people could soon be getting a taste for Australian air, if two Sydney entrepreneurs have their way.

John Dickinson and Theo Ruygrok have devised a way to bottle the air we breathe freely and are selling cans of pure Yarra Valley atmosphere for $18.80 each.


"We want to give people internationally a chance to taste what our beautiful air is like," Mr Dickinson said.

They already sell bottled air from the Blue Mountains, Bondi Beach, the Yarra Valley, New Zealand and Tasmania, and are looking to harvest the atmospheric blend from additional locations around the country.

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Might need to get more windfarms Woman LOL

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Selling Aussie Air to China

The reporter of Icy's article is full of hot air?Smiley LOL  I'm being a  little bit naughty


Craig Butt  Smiley Embarassed


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