on 08-05-2013 08:51 AM
What do you think? Mum is running alongside but not beside him.....
7 months, is he strong enough in the neck to be doing that? I know some babies walk this early but I don't know if I could allow it, even if he does like it.
on 08-05-2013 11:36 AM
There is a big difference between wrapping a kid in cotton wool and forcing them to do activities that entertain you but may be dangerous to the child.
I am all for letting kids have fun and get dirty and explore... but is this in that same category?
on 08-05-2013 11:40 AM
There is a big difference between wrapping a kid in cotton wool and forcing them to do activities that entertain you but may be dangerous to the child.
I am all for letting kids have fun and get dirty and explore... but is this in that same category?
Kids run a gauntlet of far more serious hazards in their everyday homes than the kid in this situation is doing.
And I hardly think this kid would be giggling like crazy were it being forced against its will Cat.
Kids who are scared out of their wits tend to scream blue bloody murder and refuse to do anything.
Bit like all the adults I know too I suppose ;-):^O
on 08-05-2013 11:41 AM
There is a big difference between wrapping a kid in cotton wool and forcing them to do activities that entertain you but may be dangerous to the child.
I am all for letting kids have fun and get dirty and explore... but is this in that same category?
yes, I think so too. There are enough germs on the kitchen floor to assist their immune system.
on 08-05-2013 11:49 AM
yes, I think so too. There are enough germs on the kitchen floor to assist their immune system.
Not unless you keep a very dirty kitchen floor :^O
on 08-05-2013 01:00 PM
Awesome....the look of enjoyment on his face says it all....good on em....he's a lucky boy.:-D
What a pack of whingers some of you are.....in America, at this age, he could own his own gun!!
Stop being the fun police, this boy is in heaven.
Could not agree more. He looks to be having a ball.
That baby isn't being forced.
on 08-05-2013 01:11 PM
[quote mid="505190378"]
[quote mid="505190351"]
Awesome....the look of enjoyment on his face says it all....good on em....he's a lucky boy.:-
Could not agree more. He looks to be having a ball.
That baby isn't being forced.
Absolutely......not how much others deny it.
on 08-05-2013 01:50 PM
Child abuse IMO. His neck is strong in normal circumstances, but here he could very easily suffer whiplash and end up in a wheelchair.
I remember the Irwin baby at ONE month being made to pretend walk without any neck support. His neck was definitely not strong enough. He could easily have broken his neck in that little display.
on 08-05-2013 02:11 PM
Shame on these parents for developing an extremely happy, well loved, developed strong baby, whose blissfully happy image has gone viral for very one to adore...
on 08-05-2013 02:12 PM
very= everyone....;-)
on 08-05-2013 02:16 PM
That baby isn't being forced.
Oh yeah? He greed, did he?