Shorten To Face Music Today


Bill Shorten to front royal commission today over deals struck as leader of Australian Workers Union



The commission has been looking into questionable deals between trade unions and employers, some of which took place during Mr Shorten's tenure as head of the Victorian and national branches of the Australian Workers Union (AWU).


He is expected to face questions over deals struck with employers while he was the state secretary of the AWU between 1998 and 2006, including a deal that the commission was told saved a cleaning company $2 million a year but was detrimental to workers.


They included payments of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the union between 2005 and 2008 by construction giant Thiess John Holland, described variously as "donations" or "other receipts" in disclosures to regulators.


The commission heard other examples where invoices from the union were charged for "training" but in fact related to the payment of membership fees, a practice the commission heard was used to boost member numbers.


Entire Article Here


And this man aspires to become the Pime Minister?

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Shorten To Face Music Today

Community Member

Yes he does.  That's why more money is being thrown at yet another royal commission.  

Message 2 of 37
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Shorten To Face Music Today

Community Member

@icyfroth wrote:


Bill Shorten to front royal commission today over deals struck as leader of Australian Workers Union



The commission has been looking into questionable deals between trade unions and employers, some of which took place during Mr Shorten's tenure as head of the Victorian and national branches of the Australian Workers Union (AWU).


He is expected to face questions over deals struck with employers while he was the state secretary of the AWU between 1998 and 2006, including a deal that the commission was told saved a cleaning company $2 million a year but was detrimental to workers.


They included payments of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the union between 2005 and 2008 by construction giant Thiess John Holland, described variously as "donations" or "other receipts" in disclosures to regulators.


The commission heard other examples where invoices from the union were charged for "training" but in fact related to the payment of membership fees, a practice the commission heard was used to boost member numbers.


Entire Article Here


And this man aspires to become the Pime Minister?

Why else would he be ordered to front the royal commission?  He is a Labor Leader and that's what the royal commissions are about.  Their sole purpose is an attempt to smear them.  3 Labor leaders in front of royal commissions, ordered by someone who can't win without a dirty fight. 


It's telling that at the time the deals were done they were lauded by those that would now cheer on his appearance at the royal commission over deals they described as good a few years ago.


So, what is this ":music" he has to face and why is it cause to celebrate?

Message 3 of 37
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Shorten To Face Music Today

@j*oono wrote:

Yes he does.  That's why more money is being thrown at yet another royal commission.  

Oh yes that's right. Ms Gillard, previous Labor Minister also aspired to be PM and even succeeded. For short term. She went through some Union related enquiry too didn't she? ACCC thingy, wasn't it?

And there was that Craig Thomson thing, too.


Must be some sort of ALP thing.

Message 4 of 37
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Shorten To Face Music Today

Nah it's an LNP thing to try and get labor leaders on something, anything... Most notable person caught in these RC's is Kathy jackson

I wonder how much each RC costs taxpayers?
Message 5 of 37
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Shorten To Face Music Today

Well perhaps when the ALP are back in power they can call a royal commission to determine whether former ministers were complicit in hiding crimes involving child abuse and perhaps even being an accessory after the fact.

Message 6 of 37
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Shorten To Face Music Today

I hope so Joono.
Message 7 of 37
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Shorten To Face Music Today

@icyfroth wrote:

@j*oono wrote:

Yes he does.  That's why more money is being thrown at yet another royal commission.  

Oh yes that's right. Ms Gillard, previous Labor Minister also aspired to be PM and even succeeded. For short term. She went through some Union related enquiry too didn't she? ACCC thingy, wasn't it?

And there was that Craig Thomson thing, too.


Must be some sort of ALP thing.

No, Gillard was ordered to appear before the same royal commission that Shorten is now fronting.  


And no, contrary to what the newscorpse reports suggest, Thomson was found guilty of spending ($20,000 on trivial items over 5 years) on his unions credit card (that should have been sorted by the office manager).  There was not found to be any expenditure at brothels.


No, it's not an ALP thing. It's an Abbott thing.  Smear the opponents to better his chances at the next election.  He only knows how to fight dirty and is a compulsive liar.

Message 8 of 37
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Shorten To Face Music Today

Community Member

The RC asked the union for all invoices pertaining to companies being forced to pay union fees for thousands of phantom and real employees. Guess what?? the union has lost all those invoices and records.


Dog ate my homework?? Bill will slither his way out of this just like everything else he's done through his corrupt union life.


But wait, there's more, here we are faced with a Bill type union rousing rant in a pub last night?  sent to the ABC for nationwide airing.


I wonder what would happen if Abbott sunk that low?

Message 9 of 37
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Shorten To Face Music Today

@djlukjilly wrote:

The RC asked the union for all invoices pertaining to companies being forced to pay union fees for thousands of phantom and real employees. Guess what?? the union has lost all those invoices and records.


Dog ate my homework?? Bill will slither his way out of this just like everything else he's done through his corrupt union life.


But wait, there's more, here we are faced with a Bill type union rousing rant in a pub last night?  sent to the ABC for nationwide airing.


I wonder what would happen if Abbott sunk that low?

It would be all on board:


huge outrage bus.jpg

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