Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

Community Member

Should the Burqa and Niqab be banned in Australia?










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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

@am*3 wrote:

@*julia*2010 wrote:

@am*3 wrote:
"Our federal govt really messed this one up. All they had to do was to ban any form of identity-concealing attire for visitors to Parliament."

They sure did mess up. Didn't engage the brain before reacting. Could have been a Ban for anyone "covering their face". Not that I think that is necessary, but better than the burqa 'hysteria' they caused.

i thought that too but ultimately -

only one group of people would be affected

so it would have been seen as targeting those


So the Govt calls it a burqa ban and there is no doubt who they are targetting?. Right, that makes sense, not.

what?  my point was - even if they did

engage their brain before reacting -

it wouldn't have made much difference.





Message 1461 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

@polksaladallie wrote:

The "threat" was from a talk-back caller.   They are scary, those bogan rednecks.     Smiley LOL

How do you know who the Media Manipulator (that talk-back caller) is to call him/her a bogan redneck?

Could be anyone from anywhere pretending to be anything.


Message 1462 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

Could be someone from here.   

Message 1463 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

@polksaladallie wrote:

Could be someone from here.   

Could be. You can't see the colour of a person's neck in cyberspace.

Message 1464 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

IT would make a HUGE difference.


Whether a Govt planned to introduce


A ban on face coverings 




A ban on wearing the burqa and/or

the niqab.

Message 1465 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

@icyfroth wrote:

@polksaladallie wrote:

Could be someone from here.   

Could be. You can't see the colour of a person's neck in cyberspace.

Or in a burqa for that matter.

Message 1466 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

I think a good medium has been struck.


Facial coverings to be removed for indentification.


Can't argue with that.

Message 1467 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

Hasn't that been happening for quite some time now?


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 1468 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia



OM IGGULDEN, REPORTER: The plan to segregate burqa wearers into these glass boxes when watching Parliament was only a few hours old before the Prime Minister effectively shut it down.

TONY ABBOTT, PRIME MINISTER (Oct. 3): I asked the Speaker to rethink that decision.

TOM IGGULDEN: That was flatly contradicted by the Speaker today.

TONY BURKE, MANAGER OF OPP. BUSINESS: Did you, Madame Speaker, receive a request from Prime Minister to reconsider the policy?






PENNY WONG: Who first told you that there was an intention to disrupt Question Time?

STEPHEN PARRY: It came from two sources.

PENNY WONG: What were the two sources?

STEPHEN PARRY: The two sources were via the Black Rod ...

PENNY WONG: That's not correct.

STEPHEN PARRY: ... and via the Speaker's office.

PENNY WONG: No. Well that is not correct. You should retract that evidence, Mr President.




PENNY WONG: Can I confirm that the Parliament House threat level has not changed since 2010? Is that correct?

CAROL MILLS: That's correct.

PENNY WONG: That is correct.




RICHARD DI NATALE: What we're saying is we may in fact have misinformed people and potentially aggravated some anxieties.

CAROL MILLS: I think that is a higher level of concern than is possibly required of staff at the moment. I certainly have not closed my blinds, nor have I varied my route.

STEPHEN PARRY: I would describe the advice as overcautious.




Message 1469 of 1,581
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Should the Burqa be banned in Australia

@bluecat*dancing wrote:

Hasn't that been happening for quite some time now?


I don't know. Has it?

Message 1470 of 1,581
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