on 21-03-2013 11:54 AM
I have been reading for the sixth day through my local news ltd newspaper and the full bill has not been written up for all readers to exercise their freedom to see what exactly it contains.
In the past other bills have been tabled and revised by one or two writers and then given the good and the bad, these include the carbon tax and the mining tax and work choices.......nope still no mention of this media bill.
The full bill is available on a PDF and very hard to follow, I can see why the likes of Laywers such as Nick Xenephon become Ministers..
There is a revised version here on the SBS site and it's not overly looney or communist and could be revised by both sides as well as the media so everyone is happy.
If they want to find someone or someones who is truly indeapendant from Government, business and the media I'm sure they could.
What does Fairfax and News ltd have to fear if we read the Bill?
They are scaring us with the threats that freedom of speech is going to be taken away, yet the freedom of publishing this bill, wether it is good or bad is our freedom to read.
Instead I got to read multiple opinions from an uynnamed editor, Kim Williams the CEO defending his companies right to keep the board happy via the shareholders price and several quotes from famouse freedom fighters supportimg news ltd and a quote from Hitler supporting the Labour Government.
Also two Bolt articles, one hald page and one full page.
Those who say its a bad idea (like me in a few posts here) ...Have you read it?
If you haven't, getting angry to the point of finger pointing seems counter intuitive.
So many angry letters with points mentione like...
-Australia being communist russia
-threats of having freedom of speech removed
-embarresment at being Australian
-claims the bill is to hide the governments failings
-people saying their leaving the country because of this
-peopel saying they went to war for this reason
Are they based on what was printed in the newspaper or just thrown out there for the sake of it?
I do not beleieve that the print and online media are always purposely biased towards a party.
When Howard was on the nose they sided with public anger to sell papers. The same could be said with so many anti-Gillard stories.
If they are taking this stand for financial reasons, finger pointing the Government for the bill being some sort of smokescreen is hyporitical.
I would not let my bank manager read my home loan fineprint to me and tell me what he/she thinks, I would read it myself and not take the word of someone who has a conflict of interest .