Southern Right Whales Spotted Off Devonport Coast

A southern right whale mother and calf have given Devonport locals a thrill by lingering close to shore.


Southern right whales spend the summer in the Antarctic feeding before swimming north to breed on the southern coast of Australia.

Adults grow up to 18 metres in length and 80 tonnes in weight.


The calves are born about six metres long and weighing about 1.5 tonnes.


The calving season runs between June and September, and mothers shepherd their young into shallow bays and estuaries to protect them from killer whales and sharks.


The southern right whale is on Australia's list of endangered species, having been hunted to the brink of extinction.

The were named 'right' whales because they were slow swimmers, floated when dead and provided ample oil.


From an estimated population of 100,000, whaling reduced their number to about 12,000.

Under protection, their numbers are recovering steadily.


The whales are mostly solitary but form large groups in breeding grounds.


But even in breeding nurseries shared by other whales, a mother and calf couple does not tend to socialise.

Their life expectancy is believed to be about 50 years.





Them whales make that boat look small, ay!



Darn good sock
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Re: Southern Right Whales Spotted Off Devonport Coast

Them whales make that boat look small, ay!


Can't even see much of the whale in that photo.



Message 2 of 7
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Re: Southern Right Whales Spotted Off Devonport Coast

@am*3 wrote:

Them whales make that boat look small, ay!


Can't even see much of the whale in that photo.



Yep and yep, even without seeing much of the whale it makes the boat look small    😄

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Re: Southern Right Whales Spotted Off Devonport Coast

That is because it  a SMALL boat (canoe).Cat Very Happy

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Re: Southern Right Whales Spotted Off Devonport Coast


Persons/vessels should go no closer than100m to approach an adult whale according to NSW Marine Mammals regulations.



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Re: Southern Right Whales Spotted Off Devonport Coast

I think it's wonderful that we now see whales cruising up and down our coastline. When I was a kid on the far north coast of NSW it was a rare event and such a huge thrill to see a whale. Back then you were lucky if you spotted a water spout far out in the ocean, now they come in close. Too close for some, a baby whale was caught in the shark nets on the goldcoast  again a day or two ago, but he was freed without harm.



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Re: Southern Right Whales Spotted Off Devonport Coast

Yes, they can be seen cruising by where I live too (humpback whales).

Migrating from Antartica to QLD in the winter and then back again around November.


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